They want to live forever themselves and walk around like cadavers.

Eg Pelosi and who's that 81 year old tech guy who looks like death warmed up.

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Biil gates?

Klaus Schwab?

Gruesome Gavin?





They all look like death in a skillet steamed sausage to me

George Soros is almost 100,

These folks must drink the blood of Innocents for sustenance

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Yeah, if the vaxxed only understood that indeed they have been the danger to others. I have been straight up saying as much to them, and declining to be in crowds for this reason. If they did understand, I would be willing to discuss, but their vehement denial of this shedding issue as well as their belief that I am crazy for declining invitations makes me simply walk away. I don't think they will ever really grok whats been done. Knowing all this is hard, but I would rather know. The vaxxed (who don't get it) are as children.

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You are so on.

Read this aloud to one as a bedtime story, the Huber put him right to sleep

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! Huber is the name of the street I grew up on. It was so named for the stalwart German farmer near Detroit that had owned the land.

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