Yes they really want to kill us of Womanity
But then, how will they make money off our asses? Depopulation bad for business? They don't need us to service them anymore?
I can't understand how they gonna make money when if they done kilt us all and no more coming.
But first, before I forget, the
Hummingbird art of the day
The sun is setting as I write, the swimmer going by in Sausalito is one of the escaped Russians from the failed invasion, he has swam a long dammm way and must be lost and have testes of kryptonice.
Don't tell the authorities of the escaped Russkie.
I am jealous, it may be a few more minutes till I can return to the water.
The latest from one of our substack doctors, hence the title of post. It says that even those of us non exxed non vexzinated gonna have the shed from THEM and it gonna shred our testes and ovariums.
They call it the Furin cleavage sight, cleavage means cut .
God help us.
Finally I want to bemoan the loss of my failed Grasshopper moonflower water Lilly studios by repost of one of the better compilation efforts I could muster with sundry folks.
Guitar and sometimes bass is me, like on the first one…
Regards, thanks for listening to KGRaS
Yeah, if the vaxxed only understood that indeed they have been the danger to others. I have been straight up saying as much to them, and declining to be in crowds for this reason. If they did understand, I would be willing to discuss, but their vehement denial of this shedding issue as well as their belief that I am crazy for declining invitations makes me simply walk away. I don't think they will ever really grok whats been done. Knowing all this is hard, but I would rather know. The vaxxed (who don't get it) are as children.
They want to live forever themselves and walk around like cadavers.
Eg Pelosi and who's that 81 year old tech guy who looks like death warmed up.