I know for a fact that my rubber duckie did it. She admitted it yesterday. I'm so sorry.

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Both of you will soon be indicted.

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Those damned CCP!

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migrating whales.

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There were divers but all their faces were covered in Guy Fawkes masks! Oh no!

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Bidden doesn't have the brain power to blow a fart.

It was the evil Victoria Nuland.

We should start burning witches again: my candidates would be Nuland, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Condeleeza Rice, Hilary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, and her successor, the hideous Karine Jean Pierre. There are others, but this group would be a great start.

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OK, OK. We all know that 2 amateur divers, on a rented pleasure craft, along with a small crew of misfits and a box of firecrackers, descended 100 meters into the Baltic Sea and got WW3 rolling. Riiiight...

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Uh , it doesn’t take a genius to figure out Biden ( or whoever is pulling his strings) with the UK, Canada and the WEF /Bilderberg Group globalist psychopaths are responsible. Russia won’t cave to the Great Reset. And the backfire is the NWO isn’t going as planned. Now we are owned by the tyrants we’ve become. Unless that was the plan all along

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Apr 5, 2023
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I don't believe in gods, but amen, B. Carlsen!

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I'm going with that one, except that I'm not sure weather Putin is tolerant or just not able to crack the infuriating (although clever) way the 5-eyes have to make everything seem so... mysterious?! An independent media is sorely needed.

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