A bit late, but here's my answer. I suspect that at this time Russia is a thorn in the globalists' side. The globalists want to unite all governments under their own banner, and it seems to me that Putin is not on board with the idea of ceding power to them. Thus a strong Russia is a major barrier to a "united" "open borders" (anti-Gd, immoral) world.

If you doubted that it's not Biden who's behind this war (as if Biden can make ANY independent decisions), then look up a YouTube video of Israeli politician Naftali Bennet speaking about this. He said that about 2 months after the start of this war he had negotiated a ceasefire between Putin and Zelensky, but it did not go through because, "the world did not want it."

I think this is the main reason. They're scapegoating Russia in order to justify in the public eye the continued war effort against it.

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"Much of Christianity's success in establishing itself as the state religion of Europe was due to the exuberant intolerance of its adherents. In a sense, the faith itself was founded on the idea of war in the spiritual realm—the titanic war of Good against Evil, God against Satan. And within the faith non-belief was equivalent to anti-belief. To tolerate skepticism regarding Christianity's central tenets, therefore, was to diminish in power the belief itself. Non-believers, in sum, were seen as willing the death of the Christian God."


Page 174

America is a Christian country.

After the USSR won WWII, this atheistic communist country threatened to destroy the Christian ancien

regime in Europe. The USSR was seen as the embodiment of the devil.

This demonization has survived the death of the USSR and still affects the views of most Americans toward Russia.

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Ironically, I think on average Russians are way more God+centered than the West, in my experience. Due to this, I am eager to meet more fellow Russians...

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Great capture of the current sentiment against Russia, but please don't forget the history and the mentality that is historically engrained against Russia and the Russians. I remember getting drafted in the militairy in 1991, and every training, scenario and the whole mentality was done with Russia as the enemy. Imagine that being the case since the cold war, and you have yourself some fine embedding of Russia as the baddie in the population.

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great post, TQ.

WaPO: "Nordstream was the work of professionals!" (many months after Hersh's research they finally got that right, bless them). however, still giving it a propaganda spin: 'professionals' from where: Ukr? Russ? and burying the shocker: "the US was warned months in advance". so....apparently all the different warring parties were involved, according to the WaPo? well then, if they can coöperate on a horrific attack on an underwater gaspipe (followed by bombing a dam), then perhaps they could grow some b*lls and coöperate on peace talks.

also let's not forget the sordid role of the Ukrainian oligarchs (Kolomoyski et.al.) whose financial backing is instrumental in propping up Zelensky and the thugs-in-suits strutting around Kiev pretending to be 'government'.

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