what do Americans have against Russia? Gh asks a Question thru BMA of Larry Johnson...slightly softened up from...
Q. Why do Americans hate Russians, which is what i actually asked...+ week in review and look forward
Greetings to all my dear readers, thanks for tuning in to KGRaS. A few days ago BMA sought submissions for questions to ask Larry Johnson, which i entertained. Then i asked, “Why do Americans hate Russians?” or something very close to that, and i identified as Russian, although for now my tongue is stuck to the pole of English, have to defreeze and repair that, Dear God willing.
so this is our first repost topic, or instigation if you prefer.
Above is the link to BMA, where i first saw and asked and heard the answer…
and i thank the author, Aleks, for making all of this happen, i was impressed by the whole show and recommend it if you have time, although my question is well towards the front, the first in the section it was included in, near the start.
Also, for the sake of thouroughness, i post Larry’s link to the same from his web site…above, the video itself, and the cite link above that…
for my readers, either before or after, or iregardless of the above, i wish to ask and have your responses as well, if you wish, to post your comments upon the same question, stated as such, either…
Why do Americans hate Russians, or…if you prefer,
What do Americans have against Russians. please leave your thoughts for us to share, if you have any…
So Larry had a long, three part answer, as i recall, and if my recollection is wrong, my bad…
But i understood, What do Americans have against Russians? Larry answered,
woke culture clash of gender ideologies, which he later in the interview said made it hard to be inconspicuous for aspiring spies (Larry is “former” CIA) who’d want to blend in, Russians tend to look askew at guys pretending to be girls and girls pretending to be guys, i paraphrase, that this woke LGBTQetc… culture of the West, would make it hard to blend in in Russia; This is sort of the opposite of SF…
Jealousy. Larry said Russians have something like a generally nurturing society and positive education, love their families, support each other emotionally in ways that don’t happen in white America, again i paraphrase and embellish, of course, Larry said Americans are jealous of Russia, not just her resources and riches, but her very God, that there is still a God in Russia, any God at all, that is not the devil… maybe he didn’t say all that and i add my own thoughts therein.
ignorance/anger/propaganda programming. Larry meant Americans are mostly ignorant of Russia, or are angry for being lied to about it, and to view ourselves as Americans — not necessarily being top gun , which ties in to the Jealousy thing too. i’d add a few things myself… but those are something like Larry’s thoughts… Thanks to both gentlemen for allowing my question and i’m fine that it was softened up, possibly better that way…
next up a couple from A Skeptic…
The map is from the link above it and the source is in the upper lefthand corner of the map. I find this particularly and especially useful, given the legend…
The author thinks , as i understand, the the blue is or soon will be Russia outright, the midsection as buffer, and the yellow what i’ll call Galecia, which eventually may become Russia if the West relects Biden, but Russia doesn’t necessarily want it , except to protect the further inland Russians from the Arrogant West attacks emanating therefrom.
and then, today’s post from the same…
and the one from a couple of days ago, i wish to include below
this has important work from Moon of Alabama and Brian Berletic, two separate posts therein… if you are doing your PhD on how the West lost Ukraine, you’ll want to consult those, and the Mark Sleboda appearance on Brian Berletic is indeed an eye-opening report from an American tongue in the Russian lands…
A Skeptic posts a lot of material from sundry sources, and i really appreciate him doing this so i don’t have to spend 39 hours a day sifting through socalled social media that always drives me just insane, so a thank you to A Skeptic, and a woo hoo. Go Russia, Go Truth, Go Sanity, Go with God.
Speaking of , here’s another Simplicius, with the unique perspective on the Damm damm, the one that ukraine the former blew up, which Joe Biden knows nothing about, i assure you. Up to you whether to believe that, i don’t.
Simplicius mentions , i believe, that the Storm Shadow missiles sent from Britian the not-so-great, nor never again to be,…have a two part penetrator subsection meant to further injext once initially delivered, to go deeper into the damm then blow it up.
Today there are reports of 35 dead after this escalation, but the numbers in this case, as with Katrina, don’t reveal the devastation, and the photo of the ZNPP with a small shallow creek surrounding it where once a river flowed are indeed unsettling, in the Simplicius.
Now i want to switch gears and give a few links on another subject we try not to give much attention to anymore, the scamdemic Harmacide , big Harma, hacksxxxines, depopulation, and needlerape. But there is so much worthy to attend to on this topic, from the masks and lockdowns to the bioweapon itself, the crazy fear campaign is still unrelenting, despite being in the background and in danger of being drowned out by the war.
First of all, i want to say, do i say this enough, that it is wrong to go invading UKraine, the Hato Nato aggressive push to weaken Russia, to use as a wedge to split Russia into small and more easily manageable bite-sized tasty snacks for sugar-smack Western thieves, robbers , and imperialists, this is a bad idea.
But i don’t just mean, a bad idea doomed to fail, i mean, this has become a terrible war crime, to get all these who put on a ukrainian uniform to go suicide themselves, this is a terrible idea. Whatever gains they make will be short-lived, at the cost of too many lives, and are unlikely to change the outcome, although may hasten its arrival, that of an expanded Russian Union that is safe for Russians and Russian speakers…the idea that the West could end the use of the Russian language is one of the singularly most insane things i’d ever heard.
Woops, i’m still talking about Russia… okay, i’ll allow that.
who do you think is the uglier dud, sullivan or bidendiaper?
Sullivan is a campaign manager for the crappy joe biden polka band.
Alex christoforous and Alexander Mercouris are my daily update source for sanity. These guys are saying that , probably, bidendiaper will keep the war against Russia in former uKRaine going just to get the old demented one re-elected, or, you might prefer to say, elected. Certainly if the truth that hasn’t broken yet about , how many millions in bribes payed out and received ? and the suppression of political opponents, etc., i suppose maybe not too many would bother voting if they knew biden will win anyway, isn’t that why they have elections in these americas, to declare Juan Guido to be our president? ( do i even need the question mark. )
i wish to quote a small section of this paper above by Jonathan Cook
Hersh’s account has refused to go away, gaining ever more traction on social media so long as no credible alternative emerged.
And so – bingo! The fantastical claim that a group of amateurs was able to locate and blow up the pipelines deep on the ocean floor has been dropped.
Last week the Washington Post reported that an unnamed European intelligence service had warned the Biden administration of an impending attack on the Nord Stream pipelines three months before it took place. According to this account, a small crack team sent by the Ukrainian military carried out the “covert” operation – again acting, it was stressed, without Zelensky’s knowledge.
The Post reported that “officials in multiple countries” confirmed that the US had received advance warning.
White House lied?
The story raises all kinds of deeply troubling questions – none of which the media seem interested in addressing.
Not least, if true, it means that the Biden administration has blatantly lied for months in promoting a fiction: that Russia carried out the attack. The White House and European capitals knowingly misled the western media and publics.
If Biden officials have indeed conspired in maintaining a grand lie about such a momentous act of industrial terror – one that caused untold environmental damage and is contributing to a mounting recession in Europe – what other lies have they been telling? How can anything they claim about the Ukraine war, such as who is responsible for the Kakhovka dam’s destruction, be trusted?
he asks the thing i always wonder: once you know someone lies, you wonder what else ? they been liaring about?
let’s discuss this Maria Zahkarova
Some countries ‘ peace proposals contain ideas that could work-Zahkarova
"There are interesting ideas, which may work. There are ideas that are in sync with our approaches, and, for instance, it includes the Chinese initiative," she continued.
Zakharova stressed that the main problem is that such initiatives are being blocked "by the Kiev regime, which banned itself" from holding any negotiations with Russia.
"All of it was blocked by [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky, because this concept was laid out by Washington. Washington pursues the concept of ‘kill as many Russians as possible.’ This concept was voiced by prominent representatives of the US political establishment including [ex-US President] George Bush Jr and Senator [Lindsey] Graham," Zakharova said.
The Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman added that that Washington adhered to the concept of utter domination in the world and strategic defeat of Russia.
"They used to speak about it and documented it as dismemberment. But now, they are somehow trying to publicly rewind it back - I mean previously voiced statements and concepts of US diplomats - as they now say that this is not dismemberment of Russia, but some kind of punishment for Russia," she stated.
"Although it may seem not to be important, they have shaped it up with a precise formulation," Zakharova said.
"This is why this issue is not about the essence of the proposed initiatives, but about the inability of Ukraine to move towards the peace because of the block set by political scientists from Washington. They [US political scientists] have a totally different view of Ukraine’s future," she continued.
According to her, the United States has no interest in the flourishing and, moreover, independent Ukraine as they view this country as a tool of influence upon Russia and the region on the whole.
"Therefore, we see its relevant projection on China and the European Union," she continued. "It’s because Russia is not the final aim at all for Washington in this game. Their aim is definitely China, and they [Washington] go insane over their [Chinese] rate of their economic growth, with their technological development, with their independent course, with their capabilities, with their determination, with their inked partnership with other countries," Zakharova said.
she is so insightful…
This brings us back to the main idea of the dragonslayer US, that China is the dragon and the access to China comes from destroying Russia. How do you think the millions and millions of citizens, many of whom know exactly that the US has in its crosshairs the means and motive to make life miserable for most all of us on the planet, how do these folks feel? i try not to dwell on the fascist totalitarian warmonger American century, i didn’t read the Frances Fukimama about the end of herstory, i don’t believe it, i won’t buy it.
so the goal by now was to be invading China? that means every economy in the world bashes itself against a sharp rock in an ocean whirlpool with a hurricane raging, and hopes to stay dry. Good luck.
Ok, well, now i want to go back to the other Harmacide, by big Harma, the freaky scamdemic mask pollution lockdown bioweapons R us craze.
i recommend the video of the name of the post, a well-spent 20 minutes…the first one therein in the link…
and another recent piece, which also speaks for itself, if you care to read, above. if you don’t have time, just refuse needlerape and you’ll be fine, i know some still believe there are benefits to vaccines, i highly doubt that at this time. I highly doubt they are vaccines, they have any benefits, and i am certain there are ever- increasing harms with each additional shot of Harmacide from big Harma. Ask your doctor, then REFUSE, resist, and run away screaming. if you feel like it.
and another fine piece from a Russian born woman, i believe…Sasha is, not Meryl. Almost out of room, so just one more, very important,
from the fabulous Celia Farber, the matron saint of Sanity, so sad to read.
Folks are willing to give Peter Hotez big money to publicly defend the scamdemic Harmacide, but i doubt he will incriminate himself for any dollar amount, although you never know.
Ran outta room, thank you for reading. Happy father’s day, for those without, happy fatherless day, God loves you, i love you, and i was touched by the woman who wished me a happy father’s day, the first time in five decades of my life. What can i give birth to? maybe a song or two.
Dear God don’t send me to die in UKraine. I will surrender to Russia, and save my life again. (this is a possible song lyric, or sorts…)
Seriously, i wonder when the folks in the army of former UKRaine will decide they don’t wish to die for America and the Arrogant West, and drop their weapons and surrender en masse, rather than suiciding themselves for nothing.
Blessings to you my dear reader, thank you for reading, peace to all .
Great capture of the current sentiment against Russia, but please don't forget the history and the mentality that is historically engrained against Russia and the Russians. I remember getting drafted in the militairy in 1991, and every training, scenario and the whole mentality was done with Russia as the enemy. Imagine that being the case since the cold war, and you have yourself some fine embedding of Russia as the baddie in the population.
great post, TQ.
WaPO: "Nordstream was the work of professionals!" (many months after Hersh's research they finally got that right, bless them). however, still giving it a propaganda spin: 'professionals' from where: Ukr? Russ? and burying the shocker: "the US was warned months in advance". so....apparently all the different warring parties were involved, according to the WaPo? well then, if they can coöperate on a horrific attack on an underwater gaspipe (followed by bombing a dam), then perhaps they could grow some b*lls and coöperate on peace talks.
also let's not forget the sordid role of the Ukrainian oligarchs (Kolomoyski et.al.) whose financial backing is instrumental in propping up Zelensky and the thugs-in-suits strutting around Kiev pretending to be 'government'.