Throughout the summer on the east coast of Britain (above the Blackwater river hence my name as I overlook it), I recall that the summer had nearly no rain from March to end August. They were flying every day except after Luciferian, Cabbalist Rick Sunak (red string on wrist. Named company after Crawley’s religion) was selected in a coup to be PM they changed.
Now they are mostly black.
Even though the temperature here is in gif minus Celsius range, they’re still spraying. So not about reducing sunlight vis a vis temperature. Last night was clear and I could see the full moon and the reflected twinkling of the ground frost.
With the sky entirely coveted tonight will be overcast.
Europe: started 2 weeks before Easter, Monday through Friday. They worked Easter Monday (a European holiday). Monkey Pox attempt era. Escalated until the international convention in Switzerland in May which was aiming to pass WHO almighty power over every nation's laws -- that was apparently rejected. Spraying abruptly stopped.
Edit: spraying was not happening like this here for years. After this spring's spraying, all of the plants had poor growth and harvest. Native weeds that are normally 2.5 meters tall only made it to 10 cm.
Here in Northern L.A., Kommiefornia I see it too. Saw it twice in the past week and a half. All over the sky all day long so that by 4pm the sky was covered in haze, not real clouds.
Throughout the summer on the east coast of Britain (above the Blackwater river hence my name as I overlook it), I recall that the summer had nearly no rain from March to end August. They were flying every day except after Luciferian, Cabbalist Rick Sunak (red string on wrist. Named company after Crawley’s religion) was selected in a coup to be PM they changed.
Now they are mostly black.
Even though the temperature here is in gif minus Celsius range, they’re still spraying. So not about reducing sunlight vis a vis temperature. Last night was clear and I could see the full moon and the reflected twinkling of the ground frost.
With the sky entirely coveted tonight will be overcast.
Ps I keep a photo journal.
Europe: started 2 weeks before Easter, Monday through Friday. They worked Easter Monday (a European holiday). Monkey Pox attempt era. Escalated until the international convention in Switzerland in May which was aiming to pass WHO almighty power over every nation's laws -- that was apparently rejected. Spraying abruptly stopped.
Edit: spraying was not happening like this here for years. After this spring's spraying, all of the plants had poor growth and harvest. Native weeds that are normally 2.5 meters tall only made it to 10 cm.
Adelaide, South Australia: have not noticed any.
Here in Northern L.A., Kommiefornia I see it too. Saw it twice in the past week and a half. All over the sky all day long so that by 4pm the sky was covered in haze, not real clouds.
I live in a windy locale and have never seen any. Reporting from NZ.
Others elsewhere in the country have claimed to see some.
How does all this atmospheric chemical warfare square with the Cult's other idea of rewilding.
A pat to Felini
In order to save us, they claim they will have to eliminate us pesky eaters ...
They claim to care about the environment.
Are they moving off planet.