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Felini Calypso is always wanting to go run around, so i have to be short to honour his needs, but there are a few things brewing in the cauldron.
i heard on the radio, the worst most warmongering slanted news, KPFA 94.1, how do these folks stand themselves in San Francisco Killafornia? i can’t , and every day i dream of escape, ah, me and Felini, how we can get outta jail? Ok, that fakeass station is actually in Berkeley, and it sounds like the newscasters are gasping for air. Today they reported that our esteemed especial Congress house of pancakes and clowns, woopsie bettsy ross, this big house, not jail, the other big house, agreed to spend a kazillion more dollars to launder the money for the military, as long as the soldiers got to be released from the vaxx mandate, so they will be in good shape to go get killed for our valuse. Hooray, hoorah. The king is dead. The witch is dead. The king is naked. The witch reigns. The sovereign witch of war, Joe Biden, Nazie Pelosie, the gang of gooddoers, such great folks are they, and their twitter entourage censoring our asses cause we are just too damm stupid to think for our own damm selvies, we need to go run up and down the hall way and sneak into the manager’s place….
and why shouldn’t we be able to spin circles and spirals of serendipity?
We just want to go run around, up and down the hall, my Felini— he always gets into trouble, he seems particularly determined to sneak into the manager’s apartment, who threatens to call Animal Care and Control on poor Felini. but there is no way to control a cat, especially Felini, so we have to keep him in kitty jail mostly, meow. He growls at me when i let him run free , if i try to bring him back in the house. He is so great, at the pound when we got him, she asked us, “Why do you want that thing?”
He nearly jumped upon my housemate through the cage, trying to claw right out. He staked his claim, which was us.
i wanted to quote from the text above linked thru substack. Katherine Watt states:
Planes spraying crap all over the world.
I’m sad about the incredible aerial spraying over State College, Pennsylvania these last few months.
I know it’s happening all around the world.
I know it’s part of legal/not-legal ‘environmental modification’ program covered by the 1978 UN Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.
I don’t know exactly what the planes are spraying, just that it’s massive volumes for many hours most days and many nights. The spraying is happening near ground level and up in higher atmospheric levels.
It’s probably mostly coal fly ash and heavy metals intended to disrupt human, animal and plant biological functions through inhalation and through ingestion by way of water, soil and food contamination. There’s probably some graphene compounds and some lipid nanoparticles and God only knows what else in the toxic brews.
Here in Central Pennsylvania, the plumes are super-long and spread all over the sky. You can’t look up or to the horizon without seeing them everywhere.
There’s a low-lying cloud that hovers almost constantly over the groundwater recharge area for the State College Borough Water Authority.
It’s been going on for years, but dramatically increased in the last four or five months, until we now have maybe one day per week off.
I think that the people of Pennsylvania, acting through our state government deploying the National Guard, would be well within our rights to try to shoot down the planes, because the federal government is at war with us (through chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks presented as “public health” campaigns) and populations under attack have a right to attempt self-defense.
And I also know that such a self-defense mounted at the Centre County level (by trying to intercept the planes at the airports before takeoff and prevent the CRBN payloads from being sprayed) or Pennsylvania National Guard level (by trying to shoot down the planes after takeoff) are very unlikely.
i wanted to speak about the skypainting…
i’ve been personally seeing this around San Francisco Killafornia, for something no less than like ten years, i want to say.
i just want to state my recollections of what i see, and welcome your input, please respond with your observating in the commentors section after the text of this piece.
First of all, it used to be way more apparent , to my eye, the skypainting was low enough to see the planes leaving long trails of whatthefuckisthisshit? and they’d eventually saturate the sky to hide the sun. To me, that they do this is proof of two things. One is that there is enough global climate change, which is mostly warming, especially in the waters— which are heat sinks, that they feel the need to hide the sun and lower the temperature, which i believe has started to succeed, in my own observations. Not to say reversed the issue, but reversed the acceleration, is the way i want to say it.
i’ll just acknowledge many folks who are wide-eyed about the bioweapons scamdemic Harmacide from big Harma hacksxxxxines don’t believe in global warming, but to this i state, the truth is often used as a false flag.
Also, some postulate that the spray in the skies also is the injextionables, so we can’t avoid them, despite my tin foil hat and iron mask. Rats. demoRats.
Ain’t all this so heartwarming to have to considerate on December the 8th?
The second observation about the sky painting is thus, sadly it has become visibly way more sophisticated and now, we don’t see the planes, which are likely drones, they’ve been spraying a whole helluva lot o f the planet, i am gonna presume, and i know for sure nobody discussed this with me nor offered me a chance to vote, let alone a scholarship to the Electoral College…
So they’ve arbitrarily decided, from what i can understand here in and around the greater San Francisco bay area, to go ahead and not just block out the sun whenever they flippin feel, like maybe 4 or 5 days a week, for most of the days, barely get any blue sky at all, and, worse…
i believe they are milking the atmospheric rivers to nudge out the rains, and this is possibly why the fresh smelling rains are reminiscent of manure, is that coal ash shitty smell of new air after rains?
it seems like weather modification is being used to create rain in Killafornia, what do you think? are you seeing it? If you are a weathercaster, are you being given a script to read that doesn’t necessarily jibe with the actual conditions of the apparent environment? but then proves to indeed be correct? it is gonna rain cause they said it would, since we say so it will. Can you whistleblow? Can you blow your horn and let us know what is happening? please…
Thirdly, the clouds that are created by the skypainting are noticably artificial, like sweet and low, but neither sweet nor low. These clouds are fake as fuck, almost like someone took a big paintbrush drone , swiped it across the sky like Picasso, and when the lines spread out in the wind, they leave a fog spew that resembles painting more than clouds, hence skypainting.
They also seem to often paint much higher in the atmosphere than they used to , to help create the mystrain, which is often falling so hard and fast as to be difficult or impossible to drive in, the sides of the roads get so saturated the water doesn’t drain and people wipeout and hydroplane if they brake in the instant noodles lakeforms. And it rains so hard to make it impossible to see at all. Windshield? just a a wash of water that blocks all view. Wipers can’t go fast enough.
So if you’re driving in the new rain, go slowly , and stay off the brakes, especially in the puddles, please we want you to be able to come back and read some more tomorrow.
please share your thoughts about skypainting.
Thank you for reading my ramblings, tis an honour to share these thoughts in my mind with you, and Felini boo…
if you would be so kind as to leave comments specific to skypainting and please do take the poll at the head of this stack piece, please mention your geographical locale and other observations about the skypainting phenomena ,
including which gender pronouns you use to refer to it, (gosh, did i say it? kill me now…)
Thank you for your attention, we are grateful for your time.
Europe: started 2 weeks before Easter, Monday through Friday. They worked Easter Monday (a European holiday). Monkey Pox attempt era. Escalated until the international convention in Switzerland in May which was aiming to pass WHO almighty power over every nation's laws -- that was apparently rejected. Spraying abruptly stopped.
Edit: spraying was not happening like this here for years. After this spring's spraying, all of the plants had poor growth and harvest. Native weeds that are normally 2.5 meters tall only made it to 10 cm.
Here in Northern L.A., Kommiefornia I see it too. Saw it twice in the past week and a half. All over the sky all day long so that by 4pm the sky was covered in haze, not real clouds.