I like Steve, because he is willing to challenge "authorities" and doesn't refrain from allowing alternative opinions on his Substack, either.

A few minutes ago, I left my response to his appearance at Calvary Chapel:

If "all other vaccines behaved normally," that "only" meant "normal" short- and long-term injuries by childhood injections and, of course, various kinds of poisonings from adult ones... The manufacturers are exempt from liability, and intent couldn't be argued against them in court, because even in their worst-case scenario, they can always claim "accidental contamination" or "extremely rare 'side effects'." Of course, by now, it must be clear for most readers here that ALL "side effects" are ALWAYS INTENTIONAL...

The argument in the video perpetuates traditional "vaccines" and allows for the further canonization of Germ Theory (vs. Terrain Theory), but even one shocking experience might be pushing the limits for a general live audience... A paradigm change, however, can only be demanded, if the argument goes all the way.

All "vaccines" are toxins of various kinds, but the latest ones maim/kill faster...

What can be done?

Here are my two pennies:


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Calvary chapel... your title is wrong

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Yes you caught me spreading MissInformation. I must be hypnotized by viruganda.

But tis better imagery to have you on an imaginary animal riding in with the truth...

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Cruel Aide - indeed!

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thanks for the review!

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So nice to hear your report, GHOP, a bit like being there ;] All the world is cats and dogs, ruling and drooling. I would think with all the sudden deaths happening, the animal shelters are going bonkers, maybe it would be a good time to try to adopt if one can. And then there is the humans. Don't quite know what we are going to do with all the orphans, but we will need to try to do something. Maybe the proceeds from an Injected Victims Museum (IVM) can go the the families of these victims. The Real not Rare page notifications I get daily are really important, here https://www.realnotrare.com/ Such suffering is going on, within and without. love from ORegon.

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try these, too... this is crazy stuff!



video link at end of the article:


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we adopted Felini Calypso from the shelter, of course,,, or rather, he adopted us...


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Nice tune, would add some flugelhorn, but thats just my way....love the tape, to see the tape rolling....thought the cat would appear but I see its an ode....to the dancing cat....my Dad used to love the Lemon Tree song, would sing it some....same groovish....yeah.....

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Satanthony Fauci. That's really good.

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Also I saw someone wrote today...


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