I went to San Jose to the Cavalry Church for some fellowship with one of our heroes in the medical freedom movement, Steve Kirsch.
The preacher who opened up for Steve spoke of the big bang as proof of the existence of God. Sort of like, we know we have a parent because we exist, so they must have had sex… Frankly it seemed almost as if to ignore the face of the Divine everywhere all around all the time, as if it needed to be proven. Or that masks don’t do anything, which Steve eventually got around to saying after the preacher finally relinquished the stage, which took a long time.
Mostly Steve Kirsch spoke of the elephant in the room. This was a big church and there may have been a few hundred there to see him, a comfortable reception, with no one blue-pilled there —(what does that even mean? massive blue pill of Learned Helplessness?), and only one in a mask. The thing Steve spoke — of masks being useless or likely dangerous to me, was again about as necessary as proving the existence of God; if you have any doubt about the uselessness of masks, have someone exhale their cigarette smoke with one on. Or breathe on a chilly day when the water vapor is visible—your breath goes noticably through the useless mask… Need I say more.. [please smoke pot, not tobacco, thanks…]
I am sure Steve will be presenting some sort of video of the event as there were cameras recording the thing, so i will spare the blow by blow, but to call attention to the second pic, of the graphic; Steve says to take your own poll, of red-pilled friends. The others aren’t able to see thru the mass phychotic delusional formation propaganda viruganda brought to you by Big Harma and the hacksxxxxine. Mass psychodelform kool Aide con game …
He did a survey in house to confirm more folks knew someone who’d died from the hacksxxxxine than Flubah, 6 to 3 or 4 he said, but i suspect it was greater than that from hacksxxxxine, after all there was a reason all those folks took their Saturday night to hear a balding tech millionaire instead of , i don’t know, getting drunk or roller skating. Then again, mostly older folks there, which makes me wonder about the younger population, and how many of them were able to resist?
What struck me enough to write this post, i wanted to report, the preacher was trying to convert folks, but he didn’t expect to get too many… But Steve showed the slide of a massive religious conversion at Marin General, he said the radiologists got a religious exemption to the tune of 75 % suddenly found Jesus or whomever they could claim devotion to , to avoid that booster. Then there is the head of a Big Harma co. from Spain who may go to jail and paid big dough to get a fake paper instead of a real injection. And then, of folks who responded at Pfyzer and ModeRNA, 96 % said they weren’t getting no hacksxxxine. Honestly i believe in my heart and soul that the other 4 % also will abstain but didn’t want to say so too loudly. I mean, i would consider smoking catshit or drinking catpiss before i’d let you come near me with a needle full of Kool Cruel Aide death juice. Whatever those radiologists were reading showed them the light real quick, they found their religion, and decided they too saw the elephant in the x-rays…
Steve was singing all his greatest hits in front of a welcoming audience and he was in tune and on time, praise the Good Lord Goddess Divine. Or, praise your cat, any higher power will do, don’t be too picky, as long as you know tis a greater Spirit. I personally think the cats are secretly in charge of us humans and all of Womanity, and no preacher can prove me wrong whether he be a nuclear physicist nor biochemist, my cat has convinced me, and the one before him too. I am always ruled by cats, and am a far better Grasshopper for that. Now you know my secret.
But no one will believe you if you tell them cats rule the world, they’ll say that is a conspiracy. Tell them, well, IF ONLY cats ruled the world, what a so much better place it would be, to merely have claws of your beloved drawing blood, rather than Satanthony Fauci and his evil ilk practicing child sacrifice.
Satanthony Fauci. That's really good.