I had the same experience in the mirror, except the girl looking at me became French and Romanian, by the eyes and nose respectively. I think the Romanian is nicer, the French part more sassy, or is it the other way round? And of course, now inseperable unto my death. Embarrassed at my city, Poortland OR, too, (a river valley the Natives before us knew was too damp to settle in, but settlers, even unto today, they do not know this, they just get bronchitis if they wear damp socks). The old mans beard (the lichen, that is) loves the damp, the moss grows on the old Volvo. My next move is to support your page as I promised to do, if you will promise to buy some new wool socks, or does your skin avoid the wool? Cotton kills, say the sailors. Life is about having really good socks.
I had the same experience in the mirror, except the girl looking at me became French and Romanian, by the eyes and nose respectively. I think the Romanian is nicer, the French part more sassy, or is it the other way round? And of course, now inseperable unto my death. Embarrassed at my city, Poortland OR, too, (a river valley the Natives before us knew was too damp to settle in, but settlers, even unto today, they do not know this, they just get bronchitis if they wear damp socks). The old mans beard (the lichen, that is) loves the damp, the moss grows on the old Volvo. My next move is to support your page as I promised to do, if you will promise to buy some new wool socks, or does your skin avoid the wool? Cotton kills, say the sailors. Life is about having really good socks.
Victor Orban is great. He's about the only head of state willing to fight for Western Civilization.