Greetings to all my dear readers, thanks to those who were kind enough to comment upon the last post, we welcome the share the mic, the beauty of the medium, even if to say, Bug off ‘hopper, no worries, let me know how you feel, that’s what tis all about, and the hokey pokey too, i’m told.
One of the first things i hope to do when i start a post is leave the setting for all to read and comment, music is free to listen and the newspaper is the stuff left on the bus…
Ah, i heard on the radio, that mean old frisco, which no one really calls it, but my jail city San Francisco is reconsidering the robot dogs, were they reading my last post?
Dare to think for yourself. Question reality. Question the narrative. Question the authority. Question the questions. Question the robot dogs. Question the lockdowns, scamdemic state of emergencies in the name of Public Health and Safety, watch out for them needles litttering the grounds of the madhouse. I am so ashamed of San Francisco, i have to state, for the record.
i came here homeless, i’ve been homeless several times since, while there are empty spaces and places, investors like them empty and clean. Just set up your tent outta sight far enough away that we don’t got to smell ya…
So i wanted to start off , after escaping the robot dogs and narrative disCogs, in my ragged holes that pass for socks, bypassing the blood clots, the bioweapons blowing in the wind, the Harmacide, the Harmacide, Santa Klaus is burning the house down, blowing it out the chimney. Get your shots, your blood clots, your death vaxx on us, for free, remember they even paid folks to get one. Because they care so much about us, i don’t hear anyone mention all that coercion too much lately, because newkraine, nUkraine. the UK wants to expand into the nUkraine, or what of it may remain.
So i wanted to bring it to the level of a child, this really struck me, i hope to share the sentiment that i felt upon reading this particular paragraph,
Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC Briefing on Ukraine
Posted by Internationalist 360° on December 6, 2022
Also, they ignore the fact that while Ukrainian neo-Nazis target the children of Donbas with their projectiles, for the recent 8 years they also have targeted their own children with disgusting neo-Nazi and Russophobic propaganda. On the Internet, one can find plenty of cases when Ukrainian children take part in neo-Nazi gatherings and torch processions, receive paramilitary training in specialized camps in the spirit of blatant Russophobia and antisemitism. As a result, Ukraine has brought up a generation of children and adolescents with a poisoned mentality, who believe that they must kill everyone who is connected to Russia.
Let me cite one telling example. Recently two photos became widespread on social media – the photos of the letters that two little boys, one of whom was from Ukraine and the other from Donbas, had written to Father Frost (Russian counterpart of Santa Claus). The kid from Donetsk who was born and has spent his entire life under fire asks for just one thing – for the shelling to stop. The boy from Ukraine asks for an automated gun so he can kill Russians and set the Kremlin on fire. The words of children reflect the views and values of the entire society. Now draw your own conclusions.
and of course, children are just the vessels we fill with our hopes and dreams for a better future, for all, not merely for some, i want to suggest. But what do i know?
When i was a child, Mom and I left the then USSR , traveled through France and landed in The United States, of which i am a citizen, thanks Mom.
Russia meant all of the big land, the bears and fishes and trees and snow. newkraine nUkraine did not exist. When i heard they’d broken up the Soviet Union, i could not understand, what did that even mean. Nor what it meant to be Russian, as Mom refused to speak the language to me, nor could she raise me in this terror nation, as i am too difficult, so she had other folks try to do that instead. They gave up on me, and i failed , then abandoned myself. Oh well.
Then in 2014 i read about the Maidan coup in , Michelle Chousidovsky’s cite, and suddenly, one day thereafter, i looked in the mirror and saw a Russian man. Where did he come from? who is he? Ya Nisnaya, harashoew, which means i don’t know, okay? My three words of Russian , sum total, but since i’ve learned a few more, hardly any. So i have to stick to English for now.
In America, folks always said how bad a man i am for being born in Russia, which meant nothing to me as i considered myself American, as i was raised, and that is how my songs go. What did they hate me for being Russian for? i stopped saying that i was. I’m from New York, also true, i grew up there, nearby. Now you can’t hardly tell SF from New York, are there robot dogs pissing on the streets in the big apple as well as the small apricot here?
What can one man do the buck the brutal repression of peace? Depends who you are, and i heartily applaud the actions of anyone who acts to promote peace,
Three cheers for Victor Orban!
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized December 6, 2022 2 Minutes
This evening news came that Victor Orban has blocked the EU appropriation of 18 billion euros in financial assistance to the Kiev regime for 2023. This one man stood up against the 26 conformists and cowards who head the other EU Member States. Orban took this remarkable step, knowing the price to be paid for his insubordination, namely Brussels’ putting a block on Hungary’s 5.8b
n euro worth of Covid-19 recovery funds. Nonetheless, he pursued the logic of his months-long attacks on EU policy with respect to the Ukraine crisis as being utterly mad, leading Europe to economic suicide through its Russia sanctions.
One man against 26: what does that tell an unbiased observer? It suggests unbelievable courage of one’s convictions. And what does The Financial Times, my marker for Western mainstream media, have to say about this display of courage? It offers its readers the following:
Russia expert András Rácz, of the German Council on Foreign Relations think-tank, described the veto as a “low point in Hungarian foreign policy”.
“Low point”? On the contrary, I rate this as the high point of Hungarian foreign policy, which is built upon the interests of the Hungarian nation, not on servitude to the United States and preservation of American global hegemony at the expense of all the rest.
Orban’s principled action has to be placed alongside that of Turkish president Erdogan, who also has called out the rank stupidity of European policy with respect to the Ukraine conflict, who has gone directly against the United States on questions of military procurement, and who is holding up NATO accession of Sweden and Finland to get satisfaction of his own demands relating to the political stability and security of his country. The comforting message in all this is that the world has not gone entirely mad and reason may yet prevail against vile propaganda and the ‘go along, get along’ thinking.
If I have to find some equivalent to Victor Orban’s brave stand in modern American political history, it would be the extraordinary stand of Senator from West Virginia Robert Byrd in eloquently opposing George Bush the Younger on the coming U.S. invasion of Iraq in late 2002, early 2003. This is the pursuit of Veritas that gives me hope. If only my alma mater would take note!
©Gilbert Doctorow, 2022
such as happened here.
Speaking of the power of perseverance, i hear, and present this piece, that announces the passing of a giant of the truth movement,
David Ray Griffin 1939-2022
David also has his pieces on, the cite above is a brief summary of his life, very brief.
I want to say, i heard David speak, and he was someone who changed his mind about what had happened on skinny Tuesday, 9-11-01, and decided to spend much of the rest of his life revealing those most infamous of false flag events, until the scamdemic exercise came along following much of the same tired scripted narrative and fearmongering viruganda first propagated in that predisCog event.
When i famously tried to speak out in City Hall about the building 7 and false flag event of the day at the SF taxi commission, I had this weird thing happen , was shot to death by robot dog and dismembered mercilessly, my mic was turned off and i was cancelled. They acted like no one could hear me still speaking in the room, and made it clear i had best shut up and stop that alternate science hypnathosizin’ lest i get cut down to size. Ah, lawfare. i mean, Lawfare. Go with Goddess, my friend DRG.
Go with Jesus, Buddha, Allah, the Great Spirit of the Divine, the life force of Fauna and Flora, the wind of the grass, the sway of the trees, the music of the oceans and the Love of all these.
Thanks for reading, of course i have so much more i wanted to write, and repost, and maybe tomorrow, right now i’m toast, and i wanted to thank you all for sharing your time with me, please add your reflections and recollections in the comments, we love you and pray for peace and love for all people, all creatures great and small, all Spirits everywhere.
Victor Orban is great. He's about the only head of state willing to fight for Western Civilization.
I had the same experience in the mirror, except the girl looking at me became French and Romanian, by the eyes and nose respectively. I think the Romanian is nicer, the French part more sassy, or is it the other way round? And of course, now inseperable unto my death. Embarrassed at my city, Poortland OR, too, (a river valley the Natives before us knew was too damp to settle in, but settlers, even unto today, they do not know this, they just get bronchitis if they wear damp socks). The old mans beard (the lichen, that is) loves the damp, the moss grows on the old Volvo. My next move is to support your page as I promised to do, if you will promise to buy some new wool socks, or does your skin avoid the wool? Cotton kills, say the sailors. Life is about having really good socks.