Oh, come on... Kalama is the perfect nomination for the demos. Hell, she even looks like a donkey!!!

I am sooo much hoping she picks Pete Buttplug as a running mate! That will be Sooo much fun to watch!

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The name I have given her is Kackala 'Kakastocracy' Harris. The carnage in her wake will be significant, a remote control pant suited boat crashing into our metaphorical bridges. Re legal issues, and appeals, my sympathies are enhanced by having to spend the day dealing with Portland Police on a matter of injury and vandalism. Their most well used weapons are apathy, ineptness, and slander, and with those they are unparalleled in skill.

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Hope you are okay J

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I will have to read more of your adventures through the corrupt illegal system.

I think they lured the homeless to Scamifornia so it would be easier for Scamin Newsom to get rid of them 😿🙏

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Yep, they are whitewashing this DEI installation puppet to be whatever they want, at the same time goo gaa is changing algorithms and erasing the ass ass in Nation attempt on the Donald... your CIA mouthpiece in action: Mockingbird, Have you Heard.... Papa's Gonna Buy You a Brand new Bird.

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