ScKamala will coup you too
Can she fuck her way to US presidentskie and be the first female queen of scAmerica? DemoRats at work to bring you to jail.... Post is too long for email f y this title for full links
Our flower and creature of the day
Now that we got this far…the hardest part….
ScKamala applauds reducing the population sic above link. From Ania, below…
A piece from Caleb Maupin and Kim Iverson on ScKamala above, and our fine shining demoRats…
I am really troubled by the fascist tendencies of Ms ScKamala coup queen. What are your thoughts and reactions to the latest events?
Ah, troubling times leave a worried mind.
Spell check is making me paranoid that they will correct my mistakes.
What gender does spellllchecks identify as?
July 26th 2007 is the day I picked up Janet Van de Bos from SFO , and in late November I was remanded to jail.
Everyone said I wouldn't go to jail, but I knew I would indeed by the way they had treated me ..
And by that they had shut down my Grasshopper taxicab forevermore….
Oh well. Easy come. Easy go.
But it was not easy come nor easy go. Just sayin.
ScKamala declares trump to be a threat to democracy. They charged me with terrorist threat too….
Lawfare and scamdemics, they go together like Willie Brown and ScKamala. They did a great job destroying my city and my life. Thank you fellars.
The link above is for a Rob Barnes with the Duran, re ScKamala, must watch. At time and a half ….
Also Sabby Sabs has been good on ScKamala. And o’bomberlammmadingdong.
Surprised spellcheckskie let that last one slip by….
Today I saw they are ripping out and uprooting the cardboard and crapola encampments after a USScourt supreme scrotum decision to ban and basically kill the homeless, Gavin is doing just that. The report on the radio said one third of the nation’s unhoused are in killafornia.
The rest are in Ukraine….
When I ran for mayor , it was because I was homeless and I didn't want you to have to be too…
Now, sorry, I can't help you. Best of luck, bro. Mama. Hope the kids don't starve .
Now I want to repost linkskie s to the work so far on the failed Appeal, in case you missed it or if it interests ya, but tis Incomplete, sorry I never got the last thirty pages retyped, never find the time..
But I got the first hundred or so….
Eventually I'll get thru the rest of the tragedy that was my mayoral campaign follies against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom., and the circus trial and lawfare praxis….
Till then, here's what's I gots so far. ( i started this on Friday, now tis Monday so i can finally finish and send, regards and blessings…)
i believe this above will get you to where you can access the prior 15 chapters too…
sorry i am way too busy having my life destroyed all over again to get these last thirty or so pages pushed out and retyped any time too soon, but since i’ve had some newer subscribsters, welcome friends, i thought to remind of this thingie…
and that’s our show,, don’t get into a driverless car, i suggest… or a driverless war, but i digress
if you read that appeal, remember twas like fifteen years ago when i originally wrote it, i am much more devastated now, especially by Gaza, etc.,
i seem to be missing part 15, not sure i thought i had retyped it, the 2 trials, oh well.
not like i have time now anyway to deal with it if it really isn’t in archives, but i am too tired to keep looking anyway, so, i bid thee farewell for now…
fare thee well.
for those who want it from the beginning first…
which contains these below…
the intro retro above…
the beginning, above…
below is segment 13
Chapter 15 above, found it..,
Yep, they are whitewashing this DEI installation puppet to be whatever they want, at the same time goo gaa is changing algorithms and erasing the ass ass in Nation attempt on the Donald... your CIA mouthpiece in action: Mockingbird, Have you Heard.... Papa's Gonna Buy You a Brand new Bird.