I tried to paste a photo here. It was the night blooming jasmine. I need smell o vision , it was so nice.

We ditched the friskies for tuna for our cat. & we are enjoying babysitting my mom’s kitten while she is doing her snowbird thing. Our old cat & even older dog haven’t slept at night in weeks, lol.

I have no energy and foggy thinking lately, a few online friends have been also.

Sending a hug &/ or high five Grasshopper.

Oh & we had quail around recently, their call sounds like they are saying “Bob White “. Our area is growing so very fast, not far from Ft Myers Florida. I try to soak up every open pasture I drive by, the adult children of generations cattle ranches and orange groves, are finally giving in to the developers.

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It’s a clown 🤡 world but I love how you inject photos of beautiful flowers and your cat to bring us back to the wonders of God’s creation. Thanks GK!

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kittycat's beautiful! it could be its type that makes it look skinny, IF it's a Havana Brown (which I used to have and seem to recognise - but how can one tell from a photograph traveling through digi-space?). no matter, the tuna will surely be much appreciated :-))

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very cute kitty 😻🐾

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This week, I realized the crows were very loud. It was bcuz they are thirsty. Because we the settlers have covered up all the water holes. So I water the crows. Soon a baby crow emerged. Drinking heartily. Sometimes they fall out of the nest too early. Now, it can fly, and I am feeding it tinned fish. Yesterday the mother cut me a few eucalytpus leaves, in thanks. as I walked down the driveway. The crows knows. And they are thirsty.

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I notice the ravens grabbing drops of water twixt cracks of concrete pavement lately, thank you for comment


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the wild country.... wildflowers, wildcats, wilkd skam and coups. . .

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