ScKamala Kamaltoe coups the US pretendsodent, gets a wad of doughie., Joey to give a talk to prove he is still alive
I fed the cat a can of tuna because he is too damn skinny
In breaking news. I broke down and fed mister the baby….black Jacques, those words are to rhyme, the skinny starving cat.
But first the flower of the other day…
A few last MariGolds above…poking thru the pavement somewhere, an undisclosed locate.
Now,black Jacques, a wild animal I have fed because he is too dammmm skinny.
In other news, the local birds….
The turkeys had babies.
A warm welcome to our new subscribers, thanks for encouraging me to write a short post about inconsequential items like the fate of the world and the colour of love and koshkas. They want me to put this button on before I bid thee adieu
If you know the proper referants for a baby turkster, or have anything at all you wish to share, the best is to hear from you, and thanks also to those who respond to those comments I leave on other stacks.
Hoping to bring you some music soonish, when tis less hectic…
Thus concludes our zoo report, our zoo ….meeting…
Thanks for being a friend of Grasshopper, welcome to my radio station, meow.
very cute kitty 😻🐾
This week, I realized the crows were very loud. It was bcuz they are thirsty. Because we the settlers have covered up all the water holes. So I water the crows. Soon a baby crow emerged. Drinking heartily. Sometimes they fall out of the nest too early. Now, it can fly, and I am feeding it tinned fish. Yesterday the mother cut me a few eucalytpus leaves, in thanks. as I walked down the driveway. The crows knows. And they are thirsty.