And lest you forget, Biden and ScKamala added the piece d resistance to the desecration- awarding Soros and Killery with the Presidential Medal of Freedom! Freedom from all things sacred to humanity and life as a collective.

What a beautiful world they’ve ushered in. Huxley, Orwell, Bonhoeffer, Hesse,Santanaya,McLuhan,Wiesenthal, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Pope John Paul, Kipling, Madison, Washington, Jefferson,Hippocrates,Socrates, Anne Frank, Atta Turk, Sadat, Ghopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Michelangelo, Chagall, Schweitzer, Moynihan… to name a few… are turning in their graves.

This regime is so evil, as are the entirety of the globalist elite demons, Jesus is likely rethinking his return. There will be nothing left to save.

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Worse was Denzel Washington accepting the medal. He is for all intents and purposes, a good guy

Kudos to Lionel Messi’s no show. Good on him. His country was saved by Milei ( until he gets taken out). Messi knows what the Biden/Soros Regime is.

The adage “ Only the good die young” proves itself true , made more obvious by the day. Biden, Soros, Dhimmi Carter, Kissinger,Klaus Schwab, Gutierres, Gore, the Clintons, Fauci, Pelosi, Francis Collins, Milley. Mueller, Cheney,Clapper, Brennan, Farrakhan , Woodward, Bernstein,Bloomberg, Schumer, Khomeini, Erdogan,Maxine Waters, Benny Thompson, DeNiro, Bill Gates, Clyburn, Engeron . Kerry, Gergen, Mitch, Podesta, McCain,Bush,Bolton, Feinstein, Ahmadinejad, Carlos Slim, Castro, Carville, Andrea Mitchell, Behar, Whoopi, Chomsky, Ehud Barak, Mugabe, Tedros, Nuland, Haspel, Bill Burns, Bill Barr, Bernie, Lula, Willy Brown, Starmer, Markey, Michael Moore are a small sampling.

These mother fuckers long outlive their expiration dates in order for more people to die long before they should. And now, there’s a new and more psychopathic crop of stinkweed ready to destroy whatever remains.

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Not a day has passed since the transhuman heap of decomp took his stolen Oval Office occupation that hasn’t wrought chaos and destruction to the U.S. and globally. But nothing has been so disgusting as the fawning, sycophant “ entertainment” industry. They’ve ruined every escapist pleasure. Music, comedy, drama, sports… all political leftist hate and divide propaganda. Anybody who still thinks the crap they’re ingesting under the guise of entertainment is normative is either a sadist, masochist or sado-masochist.

It’s sad to say I’m glad Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Steve McQueen,Natalie Wood,Carroll O’Connor , Sherman Helmsley and a host of other iconic legends are dead so I’m still able to enjoy their legacies without knowing their politics.

If I never hear or see Stevie Wonder, Samuel Jackson, Tyler Perry, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Queen Latifah, Robert DeNiro, Julia Louis-Dreyfus again, it will be too soon. I used to like them. And then they did the puppet show.

As per Bono, he sold out to the globalist NWO when he became a WEF YGL. So much for “ Pride In The Name of Love” , “ Two Hearts” and “ Gloria” . He’s become “ Died In the Game of Blood”, “ Two Faced” and “ Al Goria “

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Bono writes a new song...

About Joe Biden, in the name of hato NATO, what more in the name of hato NATO.

That is the most despicable thing I ever seen a musician do, to give legitimacy to the Biden monster show zombie circus by accepting some freaking thing for freedom called a medal...would have been great if he'd puked all over when handed that trash jive award

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Perhaps we call him Bonobo from now on?

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