ScKamala Harris offers to replace Justine turdeau, claims Canada is a state up there yonder
She her ScKamala declares Trump to be US president, now unburdened ready for Northern lights....
What a wonderful world, a most fabulous fall of Justine develops in breaking news, w Ms ScKamala Harris herself offering to fill his void if she can hitchhike to Canada…joyous glory be to God merry Russian Christmas praise God.
Hunter Biden has taken over Syria, they brushed out photos of him with his crack hoe Annalina. He is pardoned in advance for all wrongdoing.
Joe Biden who has pardoned more than the rest combined tells Trump tis bad to free peaceful protestors from January 6 that would shatter his fear monger narrative script…
In other news elenskies the rabid drooling dog had a three hour extender benderr on some tech podcast. And stated how much he despises Russian people. That explains why his fake government has been killing Russians for decades sponsor d by the dammm demoRats and arrogant West. He was dripping with the blood of small children, claiming to be Jesus making the dead walk again, to go get killed again and again and again.
The reindeer took him back to his underground Kiev bunker after the show. Outside his front door Jesus was getting a three day hanging wedgie, wouldn't no one cut him outta his drawers…
Oh Lordie, what a messed up world. They claim to apologize for the fake accounts on Fakebook, they just wanted you to be able to play their songs….sing their tunes the fuckerberg pipers call. Are there any real accounts on that meta trash? One day when I grow up I hope to be able to abandon my phoney for days at a time….God willing , God help us praying for peace amidst the black fog
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Warmest regards my dear friends. Fare thee well
And lest you forget, Biden and ScKamala added the piece d resistance to the desecration- awarding Soros and Killery with the Presidential Medal of Freedom! Freedom from all things sacred to humanity and life as a collective.
What a beautiful world they’ve ushered in. Huxley, Orwell, Bonhoeffer, Hesse,Santanaya,McLuhan,Wiesenthal, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Pope John Paul, Kipling, Madison, Washington, Jefferson,Hippocrates,Socrates, Anne Frank, Atta Turk, Sadat, Ghopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Michelangelo, Chagall, Schweitzer, Moynihan… to name a few… are turning in their graves.
This regime is so evil, as are the entirety of the globalist elite demons, Jesus is likely rethinking his return. There will be nothing left to save.