Yes, Grasshopper, great piece by Toby.

I am thinking that this push for trans ties in with this transhumanism beep.

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I say this as an old fashioned seasoned lesbo of 58 years. When they let the kids in Portland tear down the downtown, the kids thought they themselves were brilliant and brave (saw that one first hand). They didn't know they were being trained. When they prop the trans and gay folks govermentally, the trans and gay folks think they themselves are brilliant, and 'right'. They don;t know they are also being trained. Remember the rainbow on the Obama white house? They love it when we fight or even appear to fight amonst ourselves, and they are so highly skilled at supporting these types of confrontations, I really do not think the kids are gonna see it anytime soon. The kids are too 'brilliant and brave' to see how they are pawns and played.

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Thanks for your friendship and inciteful precision by way of comment.

My friend who had biological transition I guess mentioned he, uh, sorry, she spends money at Kaiser for I gather hormones medications to assist his continuing transition. Sorry, hers.

His voice hasn't changed despite his name becoming female. Sorry, her. she. How can I confuse these pronouns ?

My bad....

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Ah, pronouns. I only use amateur nouns. Stop me if you have heard this one before- I posted this somewhere in the last months but a funny story...

I was at a party. I told the group that I had to make up my own pronoun, because none of the common ones seemed to fit me. The room grew quiet, as I said the following;

I am someone who Dresses Like A Dude, Thinks Like a Biddy. So my pronoun is D L A D T L A B. If you say it right, you get a little spit forming at the corners of your mouth.

It took the room about 10 seconds, 10 beautiful seconds, of gender 'seriousness' to realise I was totally kidding. I could really give an effing uck what you call me, so DLADTLAB.

I am DLADTLAB. There are even some bumperstickers with DLADTLAB on them. Because individuality. Ps- a biddy is an old woman. Best Ghop

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I had a pet sheep named Biddy.

Good story JS.

I just did some spitting to check.

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