i am so happy Toby Rogers has saved me from trying to express some of these thoughts i’d contemplated but he has already written.
thanks to my subscribers for your readership, i have an install of the Appeal re: Learned Helplessness coming up whenever i can free up the few hours, Goddess willing, to type up from the manuscript for substack.
The situation in Kaliningrad has calmed some, is it possible we may be able to avert the worst of the warmongering West’s suicidal ideations, ? that will be so great to be able to live as members of Womanity in Peace and Love, tis the blessing i wish for you.
Thanks again for your eyeballs, and for your earballs to those of you who enjoy my youtube channel in my name, Grasshopper Kaplan.
I say this as an old fashioned seasoned lesbo of 58 years. When they let the kids in Portland tear down the downtown, the kids thought they themselves were brilliant and brave (saw that one first hand). They didn't know they were being trained. When they prop the trans and gay folks govermentally, the trans and gay folks think they themselves are brilliant, and 'right'. They don;t know they are also being trained. Remember the rainbow on the Obama white house? They love it when we fight or even appear to fight amonst ourselves, and they are so highly skilled at supporting these types of confrontations, I really do not think the kids are gonna see it anytime soon. The kids are too 'brilliant and brave' to see how they are pawns and played.
Yes, Grasshopper, great piece by Toby.
I am thinking that this push for trans ties in with this transhumanism beep.