Sometimes I regret being an atheist.

Today, it would be good to imagine divine justice:

Feinstein immersed up to her neck in the Lake of Burning Excrement.

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"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

—Denis Diderot

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Somehow, that sentiment is mine also, always has been. Some claim there have been good kings, and maybe so. Fame is a challenging path.

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the 18th century grew men and women of extensive knowledge and amazing insights into our 'civilised' world.

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And there are still people and institutions that want to undo The Enlightenment.

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obviously prefering the dark. well, too bad, we can't turn back the invention of electricity!

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They are having some success bringing back the Index and the Inquisition.

If Nat Hentoff were alive, he would remind us of the importance of protecting the speech of people we don't like.



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