After some folks got shot in SF city hall, Dianne decided to become a demoRat so she could be elected , sic, to mayor, CONgress, Senate, etc., although her campaign manager Jim molinari is a Republican, KGRaS reports from a personal meeting with him long ago,
The guy who shot the then mayor claimed to be high on Twinkies, was given no jail time , but later killed himself, I heard. Since I didn't personally see it I can only conjecture these rumours
So Gavin , who is reported to be ready to stand in for white house resident, maybe after an election, sic, promised per the RT article to get a black woman to fill out her term.
Dianne was always a disgrace to SF, just like Nazie pelosie, she never represented but the Interests of the already rich
No Carlos fentanyl concert to celebrate hass yet been scheduled.
She accepts avocado pits for penance in her soiled memory of more wars than one woman should support…
I declined to post her recent photos where she looks like death warmed over. I wonder how many injextions did she get? They finally seemed to work, eventually.
Our city has been disgraced by her for too many decades, nothing positive to report that I know of …., if you have anything nice to say about her I am all ears.
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
—Denis Diderot
Sometimes I regret being an atheist.
Today, it would be good to imagine divine justice:
Feinstein immersed up to her neck in the Lake of Burning Excrement.