This is one of your best pieces ever Grasshoppper. I agree, the freedom to walk away, to not engage, to even not care on some level, is one of the greatest freedoms, maybe the most important. Avoiding contracts really helps this freedom, but it seems we have known this for a long time. As Tessa Lena said yesterday, just to be able to look at the sky. So they don't want the sky to be free either, 'this is the worst trip, I've ever been on.'
Not yet, don't have much to add, great comment Justin.
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All I know about him is the movie, so I don't trust is deceptive, but Ghandi was a truthful speakers I believe,. Wish I could sew myself knew clothes
This is one of your best pieces ever Grasshoppper. I agree, the freedom to walk away, to not engage, to even not care on some level, is one of the greatest freedoms, maybe the most important. Avoiding contracts really helps this freedom, but it seems we have known this for a long time. As Tessa Lena said yesterday, just to be able to look at the sky. So they don't want the sky to be free either, 'this is the worst trip, I've ever been on.'
Not yet, don't have much to add, great comment Justin.
Please comment more if you have further thoughts.
All I know about him is the movie, so I don't trust is deceptive, but Ghandi was a truthful speakers I believe,. Wish I could sew myself knew clothes