Jan 22, 2023Liked by Grasshopper Kaplan

THE OLDEST AND MOST HIDDEN LIE- is possibly in religious tampering by powerful men. You know the ones.... philanthropists (our betters) I think something fundamental to human profession has been lost I translation ( censored)

The IMAGE of God-


FALSE. We are MAD in his image. ( It must have been a typo) We are divided by this falsity.

God and the devil are one beast called man; stumbling around Eden like a toddler with a knife.

Man is HIS own reflection? ( just remove the glorified capitals AND THE TRUTH IS REVEALED) Image, I mage, MAGI. 'Oh my LOGOS.'

The false is not external from the truth.

Truth and life are not separate from falsehoods and death. We are out of whack. Oh my dog!

Lies are the souls infectious and terminal diseases.

Lies are the Hydra.

The all consuming eye is our vision, our sight, when our hearts have been corrupted by our eyes and THE LIES WE BELIEVE.

Men are the Anubis, but we are not the guardians of the dead. We are the guardians of the living.


In order to survive and multiply in a host, a successful pathogen must be able to: (1) colonize the host; (2) find a nutritionally compatible niche in the host body; (3) avoid, subvert, or circumvent the host innate and adaptive immune responses; (4) replicate, using host resources; and (5) exit and spread to a new host.

The danger is that it only takes one lie in a compromised adult, or child, to corrupt them and shape them. All lies must be rooted out and exposes to the sun. How deep are the lies in each of us.

The face of the Machine is in my face AND lies are my Hydra. Cut one head off and another grows unless the wound is cauterized.

The malignancy of one lie. Lies are protecting the coerced and corrupted, from their inevitable self torture. There are no 'good ' lies to ' protect feelings' or health or whatever. Trust is worn, but effectively broken with one lie (unless you are a dog.)

The machine has many names in history and mythology. One misconception is that the machine is unnatural. Was it not created by us like the spider builds a web? Its many forms and creations were inspired by nature. The machine reflects the limitations of our imitations of nature by its predictably horrific results, and occasional positive outcome.

The machine ( human creations ) has displayed to us its utility by offering us the opportunity to look into the darkest parts of our souls. Where , we are everything, contain all past, present and future possibilities. But all some of us see is something external of ourselves to blame.

Life is love- death is hate.

The Ying and the yang, chaos and order are a balance that should be maintained as our highest priority.

Understanding paradoxes and contradictions and accepting them is enlightenment? I Can't claim that distinction but I am aware of it's importance.

The Triangle and mentoring

' in alchemical symbolism, the triangle represents the three planes of existence which we experience in our journey of human consciousness. There is the physical plane (body), the mental plane (mind) and the astral plane (spirit or soul).'

An honest contribution- could be one where a person helps oneself by helping others.

Without honest reflection of my abilities to contribute, I must call for help and advice first. Substack is great for this!

Advice from acclaimed guides and parents-

Mentors, Minotaurs and other foster- fathers.

What will you foster in me?

I will only listen if I intuit that there is no ulterior motive. A to do this a mentor must be indifferent to the outcome of his/ her projections? What if personal love of the mysteries of life is the projection?

"We can't have moral obligations to every single person in this world. We have moral obligations to those who we come up against, who enter into our moral space, so to speak. That means neighbours, people we deal with, and so on." -Alexander McCall Smith…

Road- base: aggregation- needs clay, and little rocks of all sizes, people need a road and a foundation, random people getting together

Group- think and other oversized or partisan crap does not scale well- neither does morality, equality, good intentions, communities, charity, technology, religion, science or regulation.

Finding one's own path to love and living-

'Love must have the strength to reach certainty for itself. Only then does it stop undergoing the power of attraction, but exerts it.' - Herman Hesse :Demian

The insanity of BUTTING HEADS

What else is there to know?The question is what each of us can do. All we needed to know was that the vaccine laws were ignored and broken for informed consent and coercion, and

When mandates for work were implemented. Everything else is diversion.

I am struggling with a problem that most of us are facing.. a divided world and a disguised evil that expresses from within each of us. Reflected in peoples lack of basic care and consideration of everyone,; friends,family and strangers..

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Grasshopper Kaplan

Great leader, great writing grasshopper.

Have you written about Ghandi? He called vaccines dirty and abhorrent.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023Liked by Grasshopper Kaplan

This is one of your best pieces ever Grasshoppper. I agree, the freedom to walk away, to not engage, to even not care on some level, is one of the greatest freedoms, maybe the most important. Avoiding contracts really helps this freedom, but it seems we have known this for a long time. As Tessa Lena said yesterday, just to be able to look at the sky. So they don't want the sky to be free either, 'this is the worst trip, I've ever been on.'

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