Greetings to all my dear readers, fellow friends and especially the newest subscribers, thanks for reading and considering…
i want you to know, sometimes i like the journal entry poetic format i employ here, obviously off the cuff, less polished, neither formalized nor finalized, but merely to get some aching thoughts out the breaking brain…i joke, first they came for my grammar…
Usually when you see a piece such as this one or the last i wrote and posted, please understand i am citing general trends, and i like to post those who inform them in my mind, as well, but that interrupts my flow of thought so sometimes, i resort to just the journal entry format, or lack thereof, to have another freedom, of , what its called, brainstorming? rainstorming? crimethinking? is this legal? please comment below, i especially value your responses and often these are sparkling jewels of brilliance insighted.
Regards and blessings to you and your loved ones.
i wanted to post a picture of the King with his family, but it was copyrighted and cost money to do so…
i want to take a moment to honour Martin Luther King jr. Tis hard to escape the superficial differences from the times he changed to the crimes of today. Intermarriage is okay now. Many things that in the past were scorned are now accepted and often encouraged. Racism is still real in America, on the ground, in your face. but it is not openly encouraged. it is considered an illegal manner of action to discriminate upon the basis of race , and other features of one’s identity, which one has little ability to change.
One might argue in the case of domestic affairs, prior to being turned upside down in the Harmacide scamdemic bioweapon demonstration exercise unleashed upon our poor locked-down souls, nearly 3 years ago now, that there was on the surface something approaching a more equal treatment of folks than in years prior, and that may be true. Personally, i feel uncomfortable if i see a certain overwhelming presence of exclusion , is it more monetary?, class? or some other bias i am unaware of that prompts, for example, my discomfort in a place like Stanford?,or, Danville, or is it just too many stop signs and traffic lights so i can’t get outta there fast enough? that brings me to the question, What is freedom?
I have been able to figure out, my small meaning of literal freedom, is being able to leave. Make like a tree and leave, as it were. Of course the tree has leafies, but can’t leave. Though many seem to have fallen down around here lately from the whiplash weather, they called it. I call it massive skypainting for months and months prior, according to my own lying eyes, if i can believe what i am plainly seeing. Planely, or by drone now? Unprecedented Skypainting prior to and continuing through , despite these massive bombs of rain.
But after the time in jail, and solitary, i’ve come to better appreciate the essence of freedom as merely being able to walk away, small a thing as that seems to be.
Now i want to suggest some walking away that needs to be done.
I am sorry on behalf of all of America , i apologize for our criminal government, the funding and invasion of Ukraine to provoke a war against Russia, as it is routinely understood in the rest of the free world, even by folks who don’t support Putin…
i wanted to make a couple of points, or maybe a few. first of all, This thing of ukraine being somehow a separate entity from Russia has always been massively overated and overstated. Still now, folks get the two confused constantly, for after all, the common slavic features, the languages, the culture, and the intermarriages twixt the neighbors render the war of brother against brother a literal reality, and explains the refusal of Russia to merely “go nuclear” on the fellow friends.
But those friends, we have to feel sorrrow for Ukraine, got suckered into the worst sort of racism. Same on same. Like the duck calling the geese fowl. As if they weren’t both fellow badly flying birds. or differently stated, it took the injextion of nazie ideaology, promoted by the Arrogant West , to convince Ukrainians that they themselves were somehow importantly different than Russian folks, the worst sort of lie. Or maybe Ukraine thought the american money would save the day, or were just willingly selling out the country, like bidendiaper, whose son was not involved, we are told , the big man did it all.
Then there is another thing that occurs lately, that perhaps the enslaving bioweapon that can possibly self replicate, appears certainly to shed, and is absolutely openly declared as the death of Womanity by Noah Hariri, maybe that thing is the reason that we don’t seem to care about losing all that metal junk in newkraine nUkraine, or maybe it is just the badly acting Bhoorish Jankowicz Johnson, oh wait, isn’t his middle name Alexander, woopsie daisy.
But i was taken to writing this early piece for your fine consideration as fellow friends, in honour of MLKjr., the King, that as near as i can see with my own eyes and earballs, this fake proxy attack war against Russia by the US of Arrogant lies and the likes of Uncle Sam Bankster-Fraud who financed the Nazie Pelosies, who financed the war, which every demoRat voted for, and i don’t like AOC anymore, she must of been lying when she claimed to care about peace, or did she even claim to care? Not too sure, but again, this goddammm war, the fake narrative again, with real dead bodies, lots of them, and in the shadows of the ongoing Harmacide waiting to enslave us all in the wings ready to re-emerge with more lockdowns, digitalization of travel vaxxxports, bankster fraud accounts digitalized, it all stinks of the worst sort of racism, which is elitism, or is it classism? Not too confident about words lately…
A dream of the freedom to speak, the power of the word…
But to be able to speak with conviction, at the cost of one’s life, this is what the power of the word provides. And why they want to take all our words away. To replace with the official narrative scam lies shells. Digitized money is easier to steal. Injextioned war makes the killing faster. War is always racism, isn’t it? Think about the Arrogance it takes to kill folks for being something different than your own damm self… because of the the official orders, especially when one is the aggressor, as bad as it may be to kill in self defense, one can’t argue that is what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine the former almost a year ago. We know now, thanks to Poroshenko, strAngela, and Hollondaise sauced, that indeed that Minskie pinskie was another narrative scam…thanks for telling us. and we know Russia was indeed defending itself, and continues to be forced to do so because , what is the word? of the racism? because of the Rules based order makes up its own rules? because there is no reverse gear on the wheels of war that must fight to their own political solution ? …until , by changing the reality on the ground.? Because Hank Aaron?
“Every war is a war against children.” [note the straight line chemtrails in backgroud]
I consider America’s continuing promotion and involvement in the war against Russia where America was not under threat to be the worst sort of racism, the biggest of lies and war criminality, and also, frankly, stupid and wrong and displaying a lack of imagination and good taste. And i am so terribly sorry. I feel that we have dishonoured and ignored the most important of MLKjr.’s words and thoughts, and we are suffering terribly for missing him and his message.
This is one of your best pieces ever Grasshoppper. I agree, the freedom to walk away, to not engage, to even not care on some level, is one of the greatest freedoms, maybe the most important. Avoiding contracts really helps this freedom, but it seems we have known this for a long time. As Tessa Lena said yesterday, just to be able to look at the sky. So they don't want the sky to be free either, 'this is the worst trip, I've ever been on.'