I let do and let dog, same thing....your online sounds are really fine, I am working my way through them in time....you are a very talented human, strings and keys illumine....
So sad: Sad FranSICKo in KILLafornia killing ur will to live ... what was the name of that movie again (a very racist movie, by the way: not worth watching) .. yes >> GET OUT! ;)
But since this is the obvious thought that comes to mind, I guess, there are quite some reasons why you haven't fled already ...
Pls don't get too depressed - like the Truckers said: HOLD THE LINE! Speaking of Truckers: in case Mojave isn't too far away and you have the time, money and means to make a quick trip there: you could go there today and watch Dr. Alexander speak ... and cheer on The Truckers on the People's Convoy ... might destract & refresh you for a little while ... and maybe slip into one of the trucks and participate in this cannonball run across the country: maybe drop out some other state that is'nt such a hellhole as Commiefornia - just kidding! ;)
I let do and let dog, same thing....your online sounds are really fine, I am working my way through them in time....you are a very talented human, strings and keys illumine....
Thanks for your kind words
Rock on
So sad: Sad FranSICKo in KILLafornia killing ur will to live ... what was the name of that movie again (a very racist movie, by the way: not worth watching) .. yes >> GET OUT! ;)
But since this is the obvious thought that comes to mind, I guess, there are quite some reasons why you haven't fled already ...
Pls don't get too depressed - like the Truckers said: HOLD THE LINE! Speaking of Truckers: in case Mojave isn't too far away and you have the time, money and means to make a quick trip there: you could go there today and watch Dr. Alexander speak ... and cheer on The Truckers on the People's Convoy ... might destract & refresh you for a little while ... and maybe slip into one of the trucks and participate in this cannonball run across the country: maybe drop out some other state that is'nt such a hellhole as Commiefornia - just kidding! ;)