i wanted to send out the imperative from Sri Chinmoy, quoted from his Beyond Within 1974/1988
To Live A Spiritual Life Is our Only Responsibility…
We Must Always be brave. Divine courage is our birthright. We are the hero-warriors of the Supreme Reality chosen to fight against the teeming, brooding and threatening ignorance-night.
here at KGRaS, we feel obliged to honour what is Generally regarded as Safe , which is, in case you’re wondering, please don’t mess around with needles, which are unsafe. Needless to say if you want to get safely stabbed we recommend cats.
Also we advise against genetic injections of experimental substances that have many adverse effects, like, ROPEWORMS in your body that make it hard for your embalmer to do his or her job, so just get cremated? We here at KGRaS had been wanting to provide Grasshopper Radio Service and got sidetracked into amateur research of viruganda and mass psychodelform in the hopes of breaking that bubble.
We are in a bubble. A bubble that is gonna pop. / A bubble of murder, lies and deceit. Shit has got to stop.
i am tired of this song, do we know any others?
hacksxxxines, hacksxxxines, eating my dreams
oh, how about fascist tyrant Justin Canada. He’s gonna change his last name. He IS Canada. Go get another jab. and digital dollars we can turn off if you don’t obey. …
Down with this rotten ass system. Oh wait, it is down.
are we gonna take it all the way down? when was the last time your local demonacracy was NOT in a state of emergency?
London Breed declared a state of ER for the fentanyl that has killed twice as many as the Flubah, we’re told. the board of stupervisors approved an unwritten dictate. Go London. Go TO London, and have a word with Boorish J + J who decided there IS an election coming ? isn’ t there? ain’t there no election?
will any election save us from fascist tyranny and totalitarian dictatorship? weren’t those folks in Canada elected, who just voted for tyrannical fascist totalitarianism…i feel so much better knowing we voted in our fascism. hooray. shall i move to Canada now? i need warmer duds….
Back in San Francisco killafornia, things look, well, not normal, just a bit busier, with less masks, maybe more fear as folks reappear.
Where did everyone go away to? how do they find there way back?
feels to me like the city lost it’s last bit of soul as the use of cash slipped away, and the street musicians disappeared
wait, now that i think about it, i can’t really say there ever were street musicians in San Francisco, they didn’t like too much uncontrolled sound; long before IsoLa they were supposed to institute some kinda permit system and give folks a way to play out, a mechanism to proceed, but … the damm city is too noisy and full a greed and never wanted to give no musician a way forward, unless you got hacksxxxinated and bought the official story and then you are one of the good clean people who get to exist like there ain’t never been no fascism nowhere…
but without cash, there ain’t gonna be no street musicians unless they just give it away , as if musicians weren’t already giving it away
did i say i’d lost my will to live?
i was gonna skip that, but it is a daily struggle, to find the will to live and keep it, one day at a time. first things first. easy does it. live and let live. Let Go and Let God. What i wouldn’t give to go to an AA meeting. or a church, or any sort of spiritual fellowship program.
Didn’t the first ammendmant grant us freedom of speech and religion? Ah, but we’ve lost the freedom of assembly, because they want to keep us alone.
so now, i’ve never felt so alone in my life. i guess the fascists have won today. do we get a tomorrow?
some of us will not…
So sad: Sad FranSICKo in KILLafornia killing ur will to live ... what was the name of that movie again (a very racist movie, by the way: not worth watching) .. yes >> GET OUT! ;)
But since this is the obvious thought that comes to mind, I guess, there are quite some reasons why you haven't fled already ...
Pls don't get too depressed - like the Truckers said: HOLD THE LINE! Speaking of Truckers: in case Mojave isn't too far away and you have the time, money and means to make a quick trip there: you could go there today and watch Dr. Alexander speak ... and cheer on The Truckers on the People's Convoy ... might destract & refresh you for a little while ... and maybe slip into one of the trucks and participate in this cannonball run across the country: maybe drop out some other state that is'nt such a hellhole as Commiefornia - just kidding! ;)
I let do and let dog, same thing....your online sounds are really fine, I am working my way through them in time....you are a very talented human, strings and keys illumine....