Now ve haz ze vax Passport too many Dumbkopf are leaving ze phonz behind. So Ve MUST make zem haz ze Bill Gates MicroLimp high Tech RFiD chip patent number 060606 of 2020! Ve must ban ze cash as it is spreading ze disease. Ve must track unt trace everyvone! Ve must tune ze long range retinal scanners on all ze new 5G towers without facial recognition while zey haz ze masks on! Check undt tune our softvares against ze Vax Passport loginz!

Ve must connect all other medical records, the criminal record, the financial recordz, ze illegal pirate download record undt ze social credit score with ze vax passport. Zis person is saying or doing somezing outside ze official narrative! Ve must lock zem up! Ve must lock zem down! Ve can't haz zat! It's ForBiden! yes for Joe! Ve vill haz Order! Ze New Vorld Order! Ze Great Rezet! You vill own notink, undt u vill be Happy! All Hail ze Bankster Big Money Elite!

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We'll create a language of fake acronym random Combines that mean nothing and don't stand for anything







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I'd hirer you in a heartbeat but I'm long way away! Good luck with your search!

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A good keen man is hard to find.

Best wishes Grasshopper.

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Get out of California

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I'm going to unsubscribe. Move. My company has 13 thousand job openings in a recession. We're offering 5 to 25 thousand dollar sign on bonuses. If you aren't working then it's a choice

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Are you offering me work?

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Nah. He's just being a dick.

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I can’t house you but central Florida is amazing! Many jobs available without jab status. LaBelle Florida. Tiny town, cattle, orange groves, , greenhouses, manual labor, everyone is looking for help.

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Wish you lived in Australia. I need a tree pruner. Have you thought of a garden maintenance business? Start off with a lawn mower and wiper snipper… $60 per hour is the rate. Very best wishes🍀

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