Greetings from Grasshopper Kaplan. I live in San Francisco, and i am having a very hard time finding work. There are plenty of jobs out there but they want me to get the experimental genetic injection, which i am unwilling to do. I call it the Big Harma hacksxxxxine, and i understand it can be dangerous. Unlike the guy who is the head of a Big Harma corporation in Spain, i obviously don’t have no quarter mill to pony up for a fake vaxxxport card and all, so i can get a job where i’m lucky to make $20- an hour.
Can you please hire me, and pay at least $20- an hour for my time? i’d be so grateful. i can happily clean your toilets, i am an experienced commerical residential etcetera cleaner. [i was an English major at Oberlin, where i first cleaned toilets…] Reliable Don Sparkle at your service. You will get well above whatever you pay in value for any service you hire me for. i am male, and i like to work hard. i don’t want a job just hanging around, unless you don’t mind if i play guitar then, do you? or better, piana… you can hear me cleaning toilets, i mean, playing music, on my youtube channel, under my legal name, Grasshopper Kaplan.
i t will cost more than $20- an hour, but you can come record on to tape in s f if you wanted…. i sure hope i can work and keep this music space, would be so great.
Please reply in the comment, if you have any work for me…
I have done stagehand , barback, door, and window cleaning work. I have been a long time professional driver in s f , and i have several reliable vehicles to drive you in, or perhaps you can buy one from me, any reasonable offer will be accepted.
Maybe you have a farm i can come live on? i sure would love to get the hell away from San Francisco, killafornia, where they sure seem determined to keep the scene as unpleasant as can be., can you help me escape?
i love to swim in the bay, it would be so great to have a place to swim.
it would be really great to not be badmouthing and instigating war against Russia, where i was born. if you think i am bad for that, sorry. I think Putin is saving the world, so please don’t hire me if that bothers you. And no, i won’t mask up. unless i’m cutting wood or cleaning plastic dust, sure of course for a reasonable reason, but not for no Flubah, please.
i think if the US of Arrogance would stop instigating these wars all around the world, it would lessen the stress our youth feel, and others who abuse those poor guns. (sort of a joke)
will you hire me despite my personal held beliefs, i don’t need to speak them to you if you don’t want to hear, just give me some work, please, so i can stay around here just to see what happens next, while i find a way to depart…
contact me in the comments, i get them all.
you can leave me a way to get a hold of you and delete that once i do, or whatever works for you, thanks.
regards and blessings,
Grasshopper Kaplan (in youtube)
I can’t house you but central Florida is amazing! Many jobs available without jab status. LaBelle Florida. Tiny town, cattle, orange groves, , greenhouses, manual labor, everyone is looking for help.
Wish you lived in Australia. I need a tree pruner. Have you thought of a garden maintenance business? Start off with a lawn mower and wiper snipper… $60 per hour is the rate. Very best wishes🍀