Who said the most scariest of fascists are the ones who believe and say they are helping you and grandmar and tis all for your own dammm good. So just put on this straightjacket.
Goo gle straightjacket if you have never seen one....
Hell, I can barely get my own output when I goo gle for it, although they acknowledged the subscription at half the numbers of those who have in reality for this stack, good of them to give me half the credit I deserve, so kind
I must concede that if everyone connected to Google died tomorrow and found themselves in Hell, in the Lake of Burning Excrement, I would throw huge party.
Thank you for this great and exhaustive yet succinct piece you posted ,.;
sadly, although I was aware of the ephemeral ghosts stalking us by paying attention, although most don't have any to spend....I knew it was point less to address without the tools Epstein develops , and hopefully others will too, tis obvious enough.
I'm sure the people who run Google mean well.
--/ OOOO000 FOR S U R e 👀👀... !!!
Exactly. Ding ding ding, you win the pin comment.
Who said the most scariest of fascists are the ones who believe and say they are helping you and grandmar and tis all for your own dammm good. So just put on this straightjacket.
Goo gle straightjacket if you have never seen one....
Hell, I can barely get my own output when I goo gle for it, although they acknowledged the subscription at half the numbers of those who have in reality for this stack, good of them to give me half the credit I deserve, so kind
I must concede that if everyone connected to Google died tomorrow and found themselves in Hell, in the Lake of Burning Excrement, I would throw huge party.
You'd be invited, old Grasshopper.
I'd bring a pipe to smoke that old shite
We'd smoke it together with my other friends.
We all have to deal with the poisons and learn how to transmute and transform them.
First rule: Don't swallow unless you know the antidote.
Come on, Grassy, show us your saving graces. Channel the divine muses. While you can.
Grasshopper, love you! Keep writing.
Learning how to run my new Linux computer. Freegeek.com sells laptops with Linux off their ebay website. Good prices.
Never noticed before you pointed it out--the similarity between Google and black goo, which is a physical form of AI.
Honestly I just was hoping to avoid the evil goo gle algo rhythms by halvings with of their evil name
Google's nemesis (God wins every time): https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/googles-nemesis?r=wn91x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Thank you for this great and exhaustive yet succinct piece you posted ,.;
sadly, although I was aware of the ephemeral ghosts stalking us by paying attention, although most don't have any to spend....I knew it was point less to address without the tools Epstein develops , and hopefully others will too, tis obvious enough.