This link is also in the mkm substackie…
This is also tied in with the theme of
Ain't fascism grand?
Mattias Desmet is saying we have to speak out wherever we can or else the totalitarian freakizoids will gain total control, and eat themselves for lunchie after breakfast on Our flesh feasted…
Or is it already too late?
Ain't had the time to do the longer post I am pining to pen, in mind …
Welcome to our newest friends in the subscriber family, and blessings to all
This wreck may have cost the driver her life….
The gray car was in the oncoming traffic lane I am told and had already hit and run another car a block away….
Drive more carefully, please, my dear friends…
And , Grasshopper suggests to avoid travel to nUkrania until tis sorted out and formalized as Little Russia.
But, you are free to roam if you want to….the graveyards never close.
I'm sure the people who run Google mean well.
Grasshopper, love you! Keep writing.