Light from the sun fell upon the stage and speakers, captured by your eyes and brain and self through your fingers and back out to the ether, landing in front of me here on a screen, creating these words that recreate in my mind the experience of being there. Still miracles.
re that link I sent for Media Monarchy, here is a free vid of him, on the Corbett report on Bitchute. James Delgado, his sarcasm is on 11, which I call 'refreshing'. Best
that funny he also looks quite alot like an old housemate and sounds EXACTLY like him; took me a few listens to be able to drop into his cadence and sayings & yes agree, well compiled...also quite old fashioned, on his radio show, the overall format is kinda sweet in a way mom gave me the bottle, hard to say how that must change us...!
Wow! What an amazing thing to wake up to this morning! Thank you GK!! After meeting McCullough I was sad that I don’t have his presence to wake people up. But then I reconsidered and realized that people like you and me are the foot soldiers in this war. RFK Jr and McCullough are the commanders. Thank you for being a brave warrior in this battle. Probably a goofy analogy but it helps motivate me each day to talk to the sheep in the town where Dr. Ralph Baric created this hell!
Yep, Grasshopper, they don't censor their fearporn viruganda, or any other of their improperganda.
Lots of jokes from your report from Hacksxxxine way.
Lovely! Great! Very nice! XD
Should I remind that A$$book is just an offshoot of the DARPA LifeLog project:
As soon as one was "killed":
the other one got "founded":
Light from the sun fell upon the stage and speakers, captured by your eyes and brain and self through your fingers and back out to the ether, landing in front of me here on a screen, creating these words that recreate in my mind the experience of being there. Still miracles.
re that link I sent for Media Monarchy, here is a free vid of him, on the Corbett report on Bitchute. James Delgado, his sarcasm is on 11, which I call 'refreshing'. Best
Good work in there, although no real news to me from my readings, it has a different resonance when compiled, good stuff.
James looks like a friend who, one of two , refuses to be with me indoors for their wife's order.
I believe in addition to the bad breast milk,( I have photos of my mother milking me....)
There is bad depopulation agenda at work. Miscarriage, still births , general General death acm upshoots.
So they didn't quite say those who created the problem are forcing fake milq or starve.... again depopulation.
They ruined the milk.
My song knee pahds...
"Living in the land of milk and honey.
Milking the land, spoiling the honey...
Its the shame of San Francisco"
I don't care much for video, but I like these folks.
Maskachussettes....I've been there.
that funny he also looks quite alot like an old housemate and sounds EXACTLY like him; took me a few listens to be able to drop into his cadence and sayings & yes agree, well compiled...also quite old fashioned, on his radio show, the overall format is kinda sweet in a way mom gave me the bottle, hard to say how that must change us...!
on 2nd thought, maybe not so hard to say..
I love that you were able to be in the presence of our pandemic heroes! RFK Jr is an amazing and courageous man!!
You are one of my heroes too
Wow! What an amazing thing to wake up to this morning! Thank you GK!! After meeting McCullough I was sad that I don’t have his presence to wake people up. But then I reconsidered and realized that people like you and me are the foot soldiers in this war. RFK Jr and McCullough are the commanders. Thank you for being a brave warrior in this battle. Probably a goofy analogy but it helps motivate me each day to talk to the sheep in the town where Dr. Ralph Baric created this hell!
I ran against Gavin Nuisance Knewsomething newsome for mayor of San Francisco killafornia 2007. Got my ass handed to me, went to jail, lost my
Grasshopper taxicab business
Google grasshopper taxicab s f .
Gavin care not cash is a young Kalousey. Who knew?
The WHOrgaNAZition wasn't on radar then....
But the way they came down on me, and why I still will never be able to drive taxi in s f was revelation.
Solitary confinement is terror.
Wow! What a story! Way to step into the political battle but what an awful outcome! Thank you for being a fighter!
Wow, Grasshopper, I never would have guessed!
You've got lots of pluck. Purple van, guitar, no clothes, mayoral.