This is a report from Menlo Park, by your intrepid participant in the session, and is therefore biased, as well as an exercise in my first amendment freedom to speak freely. I shall endeavor to speak truthfully, but i am not quoting , these are my own words and recollections, i didn’t take any notes at the time. As always, any mistakes or misrepresentations are entirely my own, not yours…
KGRaS arrived on the scene at One Hacksxxxxine way there at Willow and 84 Bayside , around near Facebook way, and the sign that reads, “One Hacker Way,”” sic, but on the back, fancy that, Sun Microsystems, they kept their old sign on the flipside visible as a mounting for their silly thumb.
While we joke about an address called ONE hacksxxxxine way, no joke they’re up to like the 4th prick, so i just keep adding “x”s …. in the interest of honesty.
This event today featured a half dozen speakers such as Naomi Wolf, RFKjr, Kevin Jenkins, and others like the pastor from a church that did NOT shut down and has a 4 million dollar fine down in San Jose, how impressive , Jesus Lord God help us all. The event was to highlight that 2FACEbook Fakebook has resisted calls, lawsuits, and good decency in trotting out there Fake Fact checkers and chess , shut down those they deem to be too much a mess.
There was a doctor who was shaking as he spoke, about being in FAKEbook jail, from the fake fact checkers, whose opinions they’ve admitted in their arguments to the court, are , well, just that, opine. No facts required.
Why did they- these evil fascists — overplay their hand? For digital dominance.
The main speaker of our sunny afternoon near the bottom of the bay was RKFjr. and his words were as important as they were brief.
RFKjr. spoke of the idea that the First amendment came first because , frankly, we all can easily understand, without the right to speak freely, we ain’t got no rights at all. The numbers next to the other amendments are not 1. The number 1 of the bill of rights is just that, that 1 upon which all the others hinge.
We were granted, or reminded, by the FIRST amendment, Marko, that we don’t got to take no crappo. I know i am somebody cause God don’t make no junk. That is an anonymous quote, and NOT from Mr. Fuckerberg, i grant. I learned that in grade school in Brooklyn. I ate garbage but dreamed doggedly.
The first amendment is nothing short of our right to our own dreams. simple.
Tell them Grasshopper said so.
RFKjr. spoke of what is , essentially and AT ITS CORE a violation of the First Amendment, which was propounded amongst the Fascist TECHno Nazies in betwixt bringing you the latest lies, wars, and hysteria, they threw in a bunch of viruganda rubbish churned out ritually , and turned on a dime in a pivot to Insanity. This movie sucks, we all agree. Turn off the damm TV, dude.
Facebook (yikes, i spoke the name of EVILL) decided they could censor you. Google too. What’s up with that, RFKjr. asks us? what happened? [Yes, he stated, the worst censor of all is , Duck , Puke , Go, ha ha]
Ponder this, he requests of us, not far from the infamous thumb in the air at your nose. How did the US of Arrogance grow to massively overplay their hand to grow from just the mere thumb at ya? and what is with that crappy thumb?
RFKjr. asks us, how is it possible that this thing, this internet of Freedom that was supposed to be the new colour of speak your mind freely, became the tool of openly Fascist Nazies bent upon destroying the vestiges of our forlorn Democracy?
As a sidebar, what was it , like 68 total Republicans only, NOT ONE DEMOCRAT , who voted against the insanity of a war funded for they proclaim…. a mere $40- Billion, mostly none of which will the Ukraine see, and oh, by the way, don’t tell Joe BidenHo when he signs those Crimes of War Funding that - there is no more Ukraine, we pretty much destroyed it now, but according to Elmer Fudd i mean Georgie Bushie in the Shrub there is still a place called Irag somewhere. But Joe called it Uran, Iran, we all ran over Ukraine with a reign of terror and death, and some comedy for good measure. Thanks Nancy.
Let me repeat, NOT ONE FUCKING DEMOCRAT voted against this insanity of WAR Funding. as another aside, it is illegal to fund war without a declaration of war, but that would mean we’d have to openly state that , well, WE the US of Arrogance, the US-HATO alliance, is fighting a , well, not a proxy war, but now basically an OPEN war in Ukraine against Russia, but somehow while our creepy ass Congress was able to fund this shit, they couldn’t declare it. Why don’t these liars just go suck an egg?, really…or play the piana with their, well, forget that shit, no spew on the piana, please.
RFK jr says without the Freedom to speak, we got no right to dream. No, i just made that part up. He never said any such thing.
But he did say, really, that the ability to meet and speak and assemble in person was antagonistic to the right of Fuckerberg to spy and lie and cry for more priviledges he don’t deserve and shouldn’t have.
RFKjr. spoke of the masks, as a barrier to the smile, and interaction characterized by nonverbal communication. that we are better than machines. Fuckerberg says we are not better than machines. Bill Gates says we are his machines. Kalousey Lousey santa Klauser says he’s gonna inject all his machines and enslave us, that is a wonderful heartfelt sentiment i so look forward to experiencing the torture and terror of, thanks for telling us about all that ahead of time to inflict further tyranny upon our poor souls.
Satanthony Fauci said the masks were ineffective, then a month later forced us all to wear them. What is that about? Well, Kennedy suggests this was a way to subvert the dominance of basic interaction twixt members of womanity, oftentimes nonverbal, to force us to get stoopid with the tech, stare at our phones, ignore being locked into our homes, that they had made it a jail, we weren’t supposed to notice.
There were 500 new millionaires did RFK jr. say? and the tiney percent made fabulously rich laughing at us locked down in our prison of despair and despondance, in a word, Learned Helplessness.
He says they threw away the first amendment to give their digital dominance the upper hand, make money, subvert our democracy, and install tyranny; Censorship of opposing views , like, e.g., the Great Barrington Declaration, was necessary to separate us from the Freedom of Assembly.
RFKjr. suggests that folks do pretty well when we can communicate and meet up in person; if we figure that out, what do we need Fuckerberg for?
So they took away our First amendment, and then we had no more rights thereafter, since we could not speak up to oppose the loss of our freedoms, they’ve all been taken away.
Shout out to the censors, ain’t fascism grand?
He says there are supposed to be hearings, reviews, appeals, and arguments that must be considered before the suspension of priviledges and the responsibility of freedom of speech can be denied; but that with masks, IsoLa lockdown jails, social anti—social physical arbitrary distancing, and the barrage of all the other garbage, we got to be not much more than rats in the Wuhan maze and culls in their experimental cage.
No , he didn’t say any such thing, these are all my mispeakings and interpretations, i take responsibility for them all.
What colours will they force us to salute when they decree the Yellow and Blue are not any longer Golden State warriors? salute the new monkey pox? oh joy. You have to like sleep and screw the monkeys or eat their meat to get their pox, but you can start being very afraid, like get really scared, anytime, they tell us. No censors on the Fear Quotient, FQtm, a quotidian device by lamestream legacy fear-porn masters.
Did anyone notice, by the by, that the Colours of the Russian flag are, well - i won’t tell you what they are, but they are the same as ours in America, except spoken in a different order to avoid confusion. Say white first.
has anyone caught on, that , really, the war is not at all about Russia, they ‘re just trying to soften us up for the forthcoming attack on…..
There i said it. They really hate China next., so you should too, get ready and roll out whatever flag they falsely tell you to treat like our very own Tyrannical signpost, signifying the loss of all that matters in life, our very own heart and soul as a nation, just for starters.
Now i want to add, and this is strictly my own thinking , that by having every Democrat support bioweapons labs in Ukraine on your brains and generally funding, arming, supporting, and propogandizing UkroNazie Fascists in Ukraine, now Germany, Poland , and spreading apace in the new arms for debt race, i have to say, those who assist Nazies ARE Nazies, and that is what we’ve become. No i’m not gonna bother putting that on the ( spit when you say the Evill name of ) Facebook.
These are my original thoughts and vaguely a reflection of an event i dreamed i had attended in a free country, Generally Regarded As Safe, KGRaS. Grasshopper Radio Service.
Blessings be to you and yours, Save the Children. Kevin Jenkins reminded us, MLK reminded us, Jesus spoke the truth in his statement, “You shall know the truth, and The truth shall set you free.”
Except on (spit) face b O O k.
The highlight of my day was shaking RFKjr.’s hand, and i can thereby confirm he is a man of integrity. Oh, and i read his book, you should too, for a lawyerly point of view , about the crime of the Millienium, i call it the Bible. You owe it to yourself to read
The Real Anthony Fauci; Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health.
Folks in the WHOrganization are coming to take our — your bodily sovereignty, which our leaders are desperately struggling to hand over and give away. Fun times.
Grasshopper Kaplan 5-19-2022
Ah, this was the day in 2008 they let me out of jail, or did they?
Light from the sun fell upon the stage and speakers, captured by your eyes and brain and self through your fingers and back out to the ether, landing in front of me here on a screen, creating these words that recreate in my mind the experience of being there. Still miracles.
Lovely! Great! Very nice! XD