Nice action Grasshopper! Your stream of conciseness writing isn't my style (I capitalize the first word of my sentences) but it works with your staccato type of prose. I think you'd find that many of us out here in the hinterland would get along pretty well with the Russian and the even the non-nationalist/neo Nazi Ukrainian people when you discard the greedy soulless idiots in charge. Full disclosure, my paternal German ancestors spent a couple generations living in what is now southern Ukraine until the Russian aristocracy got the tsar to take away our nice bennies that Catherine's the Great's grandson gave us for moving and farming there. I told one of my liberal work colleagues where my great-grand parents moved from and he said, "Oh, you're Ukrainian". I politely said no, we were Germans living there. If I wanted to be more blunt we were Germans that were invited into the Russian empire to farm newly acquired black soil land (taken from the Turks) and Catherine trusted German farmers to do it better than the native Ukies. Sorry if that sounds racist, Catherine probably was because she herself was German, but that's what happened. If you're ever passing through Dakota land on I-90, stop on by and I'll buy you a coffee or a libation. I think you and and many of your readers need to remember that there's a lot more of the USA outside of DC, NYC, and LA. Civilization in "fly over country" actually does exit, its just not what jazzes up the elites in a few major metro areas...

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Sometimes grammar and punctuation get the back seat to the driver of meaning

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Great writing.

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really like your play on words. that we can laugh, love and live our lives must make the psychopaths at the top really nervous!

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A word on the Saran wrapping. When we Dutchies protest, we are usually accompanied by undercover cops, who call themselves Romeos. The tasks of those Romeos usually involve instigating fights and riots, and placing street tiles and bricks on previously placed pallets to invoke us to use them. There's plenty of clips of them doing their handy work on the interwebs.

Whenever we succeed in isolating such a state agent, we Saran wrap them to a light pole, take a few pics for social media, and leave them for their uniformed colleagues to come and collect. So you see, if you come across a Saran wrapped individual, it's usually not a protester.

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That's rather different than what I believe is occurring as I understood in former uKraine , although I guess I can easily be mistaken in speculating from the appearance.

I hear there actually was some code pink protest today....the first I've heard opposing this current war.

Which has turned into a war the West is losing, I bet Poland and other countries will send many more soldiers to be slaughtered

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I thought as much. Let's just conclude that one saran wrapping is not another, lol.

Bytheway, Poland is a NATO member. If Poland is forced to send soldiers, every NATO country will as well, as per NATO article 5. Seen as NATO is a defensive alliance, they will not commit troops unless they are invaded (or false flagged). But when Poland goes, we all go.

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klinkt logisch. beware of False Flag operations!

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