Anticipating the great Narrative REsetment
disCog 1 scamdemic fizzling, disCog 2 nUkraine goes bad, what is next disCog 3 ? The return of slavery to the thoughtmafia
i must be oldish. When i was youngish, i remember that if your US Government told you something, people might shrug, and if it was repeated oftenly, folks would start to get irate and offended for the blatancy of the lie. Like Vietnam, which Daniel Ellsberg blew the whistle on with the Pentagon papers. Although he managed to avoid going to jail, he spoke of the church outfit that published his Pentagon Papers getting audited thereafter by the everloving IRS. That’s the International Reality Sensorship specialist. Those Unitarian Universalists must really have spooked the spooks, or kooked the kooks, and i don’t know of churches giving this sort of platform nowadays, judging by Julian Assange, who is busy being tortured in the UK.
now , why is Julian getting the life terrorized outta him in the UK? because, frankly, the UK was warming up on Julian to then manage other assets, like, say, Boris Bojangles dancing the steps of his puppet elenskies, who got the letter “Z” banned in Spermany, quite an accomplishment, to which i answer by banning my personal letter, G, from their name, plus i am sure in light of the everaccelerating Harmacide scamdemic, they must be in need of more sperm in Spermany, so i offer them mine, at least in thought and kind, if not literally, but we can discuss that too as long as you ain’t injected, and if you are an actual female, please, for the love of God herself.
did i mention that , on this good Friday the 13th, we have ever increasing evidence of the end of the the goddammm scamdemic approaching, the dwindling of the divisive missive, the injextion of the bioweapon countermeasure to prevent disobeydiance by folks who might engage in , say, breathing, or operation of a small business, whereas they are now forced to temp out and pimp for scAmazon delivery service, and i want to tell folks, as i used to , that if you are temping and pimping out to scAmazon, they gonna discard you when they get done using you and can find someone to do that same deal for 20 cents an hour less, so best hold onto any better employment, or even worse employ, that don’t throw you away…, which they will do.
seems like, speaking of scam ,… Ms . ScKamala herself, that is pronounced ScKamAllah, is getting fit to become the full vice, the actual Presidente`. Now she gonna scam Allah herself, and see about some mansion in nUkraine.
NUKraine is brought to you by the same folks who blew up the pipelines, or tried to and got all but one, Nordstream 2, that they missed, because they thought it was an electric eel, which NO news outlet has reported, so you heard it hear first, and yes, i absolutely just made that up. If you didn’t like it, make up your own. Mr Bhorish Bojankie Bojangles Johnson, jonesing for some of Nina Jankowicz, is asking elenskies to keep the war going more and more longer, because he wants to get all the nUkrainians killed that he possibly can, so he provides weapons, bioweapons, and pretendoweapons, all to be sold on the black market, solid. Bhorish is dancing the money launder dittey. Tis a two-face two step. The lyrics are improvised and impoverishing, and no, Bhorish can’t pronounce the word Nuclear, but he thinks Ukraine, the former , is the same as UK, the prior, because of those same two letters, the U and the K. i wonder if those cost more in Spermany jeapordy shows, has anyone died suddenly on one of those? Now when i hear the word jeapordy, of course i think of that thing , the Thing, or , THE THING we ain’t supposed to mention, that comes out of a needle, sponsored by the DOD, a bioweapon to protect you from having to stay alive and healthy after you done been injextioned.
So the coercion disCogs are flailing, and i am a bit confounded and confused, what am i supposed to believe next? i mean, i know i’m supposed to hate Putin and Russia, despite being born there, but honestly, i think Russian is a way sexier language than most, and certainly the women, who have babies, give breast milk, and don’t pretend that they are having to deny their wonderful sexuality, these are the babes in my book, i sure miss that sexy Russian tongue, how great it will be to hear more of it. In fact , Russia is starting to look pretty good, every time bidendiaper struggles to pronounce the lies spilled onto the bidenprompter but can’t quite understand what is he supposed to say?
Oh yeah, i drove away with as many of the sPentagon papers in my corvette as i could find, cause i wanted you to know that, yes Danielle, Yes Raymond McGovern, there was no Russian email hack, it was a leak. Yes there was no Nato expansion, except right up to Russia’s borders. There was no plan to stop the war because we were so sure that we are the Rules based souflette, and screw the broken eggs that is now newkraine, nUkraine, lost a war again.
But there ain’t no stopping this war, until Medea Benjamin starts to protest it… that means we got a real war when code Pink starts to put out on the streets, i want to visit, where you all gonna congregate next?
So the war is going badly, the demoRats are going badly, and the scamdemic fell apart, except for the truest believers. Meanwhile the rest of us , like i commented somewhere long ago, we felt like, or knew, there wasn’t a real new FluBah, twas an old FluBah, more or less, but then they injextioned the bioweapon into folks, the computer generated code, the death and killing of our soul, and the torment of all , whether or not one succombed to the Viruganda, one still had to become an unmentionable outcast for merely thinking an unapproved thought, that Gavin had preapproved you to loan from his thoughtbank on your plastic periscooper pooper.
The slavery extends to our very impressions of God, which must be also preapproved, find out more from your doctor to see if Harmacide is right for you, certain terms and exclusions may apply.
What kind of new disCog event can be conjured up to injext more fearporn next? The rebanishment on Twitter of Scott Ritter? The next false flag from nUkraine attacking Poland or tie-ing folks to poles with saran-wrap? To paraphrase, the war in newkraine is going from a fraud to a disaster to a tragedy to a farce and back to a fraud, with our American and Western bullets and armaments, to help weaken Russia by killing as many men and boys in that adjacent former country, which Russia can take over after we finish destroying it by supplying it with materiel.
really like your play on words. that we can laugh, love and live our lives must make the psychopaths at the top really nervous!
Nice action Grasshopper! Your stream of conciseness writing isn't my style (I capitalize the first word of my sentences) but it works with your staccato type of prose. I think you'd find that many of us out here in the hinterland would get along pretty well with the Russian and the even the non-nationalist/neo Nazi Ukrainian people when you discard the greedy soulless idiots in charge. Full disclosure, my paternal German ancestors spent a couple generations living in what is now southern Ukraine until the Russian aristocracy got the tsar to take away our nice bennies that Catherine's the Great's grandson gave us for moving and farming there. I told one of my liberal work colleagues where my great-grand parents moved from and he said, "Oh, you're Ukrainian". I politely said no, we were Germans living there. If I wanted to be more blunt we were Germans that were invited into the Russian empire to farm newly acquired black soil land (taken from the Turks) and Catherine trusted German farmers to do it better than the native Ukies. Sorry if that sounds racist, Catherine probably was because she herself was German, but that's what happened. If you're ever passing through Dakota land on I-90, stop on by and I'll buy you a coffee or a libation. I think you and and many of your readers need to remember that there's a lot more of the USA outside of DC, NYC, and LA. Civilization in "fly over country" actually does exit, its just not what jazzes up the elites in a few major metro areas...