George Webb, one of the very few independent journalists still around, describes that this particular self-immolator was related to Bing Crosby: a cruel tale of Hollywood at its darkest - https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/looking-deeper-into-max-fireball

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I wanted to read his post but the link is mostly behind the paywall of China, which to me is the same place seemore hirschy bar puts his bad intelligence ffed from anonymous and unaccountable sources. Seemore also used to be a reputable journalist, as recently as his first paywalled piece about Nirdstream, but then he stopped authentication, and started saying things I hear , like Russia has already lost the war. Oh wait, that was bidendiaper. But you get my point.

I am curious but broken badly broke and sorry for the bother of my reply, always love your commwnts

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Of course Trump is Biden with orange hair. No question!

The link to the Ukraine analysis is interesting but it doesn't consider the fact that Ukraine has already lost... Making the analysis irrelevant. All American aid to Ukraine just makes Russia stronger... But hey, who cares, we print that money to order!

Everything is now a distraction it seems.

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I like the analyst, he implied to my ears that UKraine is only gonna get what Russia allows it to be now, certainly not a win.... except for Womanity and peace on Earth

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Taiwan will be the next Ukraine. A former Chinese territory. The shit never ends.

So I just concentrate on music and playing my guitar and THAT is my diversion. ( Oh, and my dogs too.) Here's what I'm working on now and I do like it a lot. I don't sing so it will be guitar solo only...

Are you aware of Tommy Emmanuel?


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that's curious, because I'm not a paid subscriber to Webb's substack and earlier today it was accessable (which is why I forwarded the link). ....ah.... horror-of-horrors, it's now indeed locked, now that's frustrating :-((

sorry about that! have a good day and thanks again for all the work you do for us ;-)) the bunch of purple flowers in your earlier post was amazing and very uplifting!

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I startedy illustrious career in geopolitickal commentariatt by reading the newspapers discarded on the backs of busses, then by going to jail when I ran for mayor, I was educated well and good, but all for free , except the jail part and all

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that's indeed quite a life's trajectory there! however, 'finding things' (a discared newspaper, a book in the give-away section of the thrift store) has been full of gems, received although not looked for. meandering through life has had more positive than negative experiences. be well, enjoy the full moon.

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Yes, I usually need to go quietly howl in the empty streets in the middle of the nights of the demise of the empire

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any empire 's too big for its own good, so its demise is a sure thing comin'. painful though to be caught up in it, as we seem to be these days. Cynthia Chung wrote a substack article the other day, based on Col. Fletcher Prouty's description of the Vietnam war(s). it describes the utter, utter craziness, disrespect and genocidal tendencies of some of those in power. even though I've seen some of Prouty's interviews (very knowledgeable), Chung's analysis is very impressive and shows why "empire" should find its demise preferably sooner than later - https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/how-the-cia-and-us-special-forces

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Thanks GK! Someone needs to be saying these things. Scary times for sure!!

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