The house voted for more aid,. Sic, to, let's see, Ukraine, Taiwan, and Isra Hell, all states within the American, scAmerican Union.
I think we'll need some nice purple flowers here….
The United States however was not given no dammmm pennies, except thru the laundering of money, of course.
This guy says trump is with biden united to bring us fascism. Is this news to you? Do you believe it?
Well, his sign said it, since he is now burned up, he ain't talkin no more. What was he smokin?
Whatever he was smokin…
Avoid that stuff.
The man is dead. What did he die for? How will his self immolation change anything? I don't think this is an useful tactic.
Dear America,
Please don't set the world on fire, and please don't burn up the country. Please stop sending weapons to Ukraine, Isra Hell, and Taiwan.
Regards and love,
I want to put a bunch of other items here in, but right now I have to pretend I am someone , and that someone is employed and agreed to work despite the 4-20 holiday since, after all, I want to buy a weee but of marijuana later, the one good thing about those parts of America where tis legal, the prices have come down, although the gas prices indicate the resistance is winning.
And hallelujah to the resistance, down with this rotten ass system of jail, prison, terror, and torture.
Free them all, all political prisoners , free them , free us all .
May we all be free, free at last….
This post got old since I started it.
I decided America already really is a fascist state, that is my experience.
My personal experience.
Dear America, my old friend,
Please stop being fascist and setting yourself on fire, it smells badly when you are burnt up and charred.
And word to the US Senate, this dammm bill will be the death knell for scAmerica, stealing Russian assets will finish destroying the dollar, a paper Airplane set ablaze…
The future of Ukraine, video above
Features a few cartoons like this above
Finally, why can't this weak tweeker do some damn thing with his hair, eh?
And that s our show folks, a real three ring circus and clown car carousel….
Thanks GK! Someone needs to be saying these things. Scary times for sure!!
George Webb, one of the very few independent journalists still around, describes that this particular self-immolator was related to Bing Crosby: a cruel tale of Hollywood at its darkest -