The Pelican questions are probably a multi-variable problem. The entire issue, to my thinking, is about media censorship and propaganda. The Supreme Court is about to decide if the government can legally censor media. If they rule that It can then freedom in the West is over!

My thoughts are that the judicial laws are the last hope for a free society. If they are further degraded and society has no recourse for government control that is the end of freedom.

What do you do when you can't determine the difference between truth and propaganda/censorship?

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The first amendment declares freedom of expression, speech.

When the government takes that away it reveals total lawlessness. But that Is the country we actually live in, sadly. What constitution? What bill of which rights? Not for us, only for those who own and control it....the rest of us are in de facto jail. Sob.

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... Total lawlessness. Yes this IS what I'm trying to say! If the government can LEGALLY lie to us then truth will be undeterminable and the end of free thought.

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Last question first, as I stated in the post, assume mostly lies ...but use your own eyes and earballs. Of course. Even what is true is used in a false flag manner so much of the time.

Re the judicial laws, you remind me that I have like thirty odd pages not yet recorded on this stack, which was largely why I started it, under the title of my book Grasshopper's Appeal...linked in the archives. The stack title hasn't changed, the book is mostly typed, if you look, in this sub stack archives...

This experience of running for mayor is what showed me, sadly, that the laws are in reality what they call the rules based order, which is understood as.


We apply the lawfare to you to keep you in line or in jail.

Those laws are not for the folks who write them, not in scAmerica and the Arrogant West, unlike apparently Russia....perhaps

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I’m on disability, can you look into the feature where we can “ buy you a coffee “?

I’d participate when I can.

Thanks for caring about the pelicans.

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Thank you Rosalind.

I am grateful for your comments.

I will see about this when I get a chance possibly this weekend, but mostly don't worry about it.

I write these posts as public journal or diary entries, when I have time.

I appreciate your sentiment, and please don't worry about it too much, that is why I work, so I can freely write occasionally when I have those few minutes and emotions to offer...

You are the best!

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Cyber hug!

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A combination! The sky paint, the fish are full of heavy metals.

A friend visited and we threw her stale snacks out for the birds. Gmo , they didn’t touch a thing yet. They know!

My husband has been giving the rabbits organic carrots. They don’t eat the ones with the organipeel or Apeel coating on them.

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great question 😿

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