Anyone dumb enough to fall for Zelensky's bullshit is also dumb enough to send their kids to fight and bleed for that tyrant.

Not MY boys. They are staying home, to help fix America

"A true patriot will always defend his country from its government"

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Maybe he was being paid to do so. Never know.

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Zelensky with Josh Shapiro signing artillery with smiles...why would anyone want their signature on a bomb thingy that is going to kill innocent people, animals, etc? Satanic. Get that Z out of this country. Everyone is kissing his ass. Great post Grasshopper.

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Thank you for saying so.

I often feel like my writing is sending crappy paper airplanes that won't fly into the wind....I miss reality....oh well.

Happy fall...

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same here, I wonder, is this my personal diary or do people read? I appreciate you.

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This is all over where I live! I wonder if people truly understand? I am guessing not 🤔

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