I am torn between the last two candidates. I have heard that the Democrats will NEVER allow Kennedy to be their nominee based on SUPER delegates. I have read that Desantis may not be as motivated as he portrays to get to the truth behind the poison pushed on society by our government and manufactured by the most corrupted industry in the world.

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And as Ross Perot showed us, we won't have much hope for a third party....nor a fourth or fifth...

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Yep...spot on!! I heard recently that Ross Perot backed out because the Deep State got to him.

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If Putin spoke English, I'd have to toss a coin.

As it is, my choice is RFK.

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He likely speaks perfect English and never in public.

I was torn too....

Many basically consider Vladimir to be president of the world.

And Volodomyr the lessor is president of a Crackerjack box sic

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Vladimir Putin is a natural born American. He was born in St. Petersburg. That's in Florida.

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When I tell folks I was born in Moscow they think Idaho...

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Putin would put a stop to the money going to the camo puppet.

Good that you put Putin in the lineup Grasshopper or I might have had to have done a spoiled vote paper.

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BTW do you realise that my vote was by a voter who doesn't exist.

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None of us exist if we vote wrong

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You will vote for whoever I choose to install! And you will be happy! Or else...

Xi Jinpeng.

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I am leaning to not voting. Watching the images from the Trump trial, how much everyone was coiffed and shiny, it looked like an episode of a TV show more than anything else. All a show, as many know, and I ain't buying anymore.

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I know, that hairdo is too much, like the fins on an old car, which at least made it look good, unlike his hairdo

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All of 'em, for the cameras, posing.

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