And the Gaza thing isn’t happening. He had no such intention. He forced them to deal with it and it worked. He’s very clever. I know him personally. It’s how he makes a deal.

As per the Zelensky gig going off the rails, the little . this is when Yiddish is the best suited to describe someone.. “ shtik drek” Zelenskyy really sabotaged the deal. He was ready to sign , but met with the Dems before heading to the Oval. The other shtik drek, Chris Murphy convinced him not to sign.Aside from being in bed with the Ukraine lobbying graft, he doesn’t want to give Trump a win. Essentially, giving up the opportunity to getting repaid and with desperately needed rare earth and minerals plus ending a war and preventing WWIII is far far less important than sticking it to Trump. I hate these mother fucking corrupt, lawless,sociopathic , treasonous , self absorbed , murderous , evil monsters with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

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Trump delivered his finest comeback to date. The imbecile reporter who called out ,” What if Putin doesn’t honor the ceasefire?”. Trump was already leaving the conference, fuming, and didn’t hear her. One of his detail told him someone was asking a question. He turned around asked her to repeat it. And replied, “ What are you asking me? How do I know? What if a bomb fell on your head?”. OMG! He was ready to explode and I did explode. Laughing. I haven’t been able to stop. And that time, he wasn’t playing her for kicks. He was really that pissed off. It is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

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That was stellar! And “ I don’t think saying horrible things about Putin and then calling him, “Hey Vladimir, how’s it going? You ready to make a deal?” is the way to go”( pp). I could barely breathe!

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This will make for great television....

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Hey. G'day! I'll just remind you of two things:

1.) Vlad would never allow the EU, UK or Noto to occupy Ukraine. Funny how I didn't hear anything from Vlad. The UK/EU can't win there and they know it. That brings me to my next thought...

2.) What we saw (I think) was all theater. Trump is weak and wants Z to take the blame for the US leaving. I think Trumphy wants to send all our money to the zios so they will help him transform Gaza into a beach front resort.

And another thing...

Why the tarrifs? Why all the talk about the fifty-first state?... The Panama Canal... Greenland?... Troops to the Mexico border? I think allot about what this may really mean. When I look at a map of the world and consider those countries I have very curious thoughts... Actually, some of them are good thoughts. We'll see.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Elon never wears a suit either...

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Good to know that short man complex still is a thing....Zelensky should have worn a Napoleon costume for this play. I do have some trouble believing any of this show is real, just to keep the heads and headlines off the jabocide and give all the talking heads things to jabber 'bout. A smart man fooled is the best tool.

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Aint no such thing as a free meal

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and lunch at the WH was cancelled too, White House reporters saw it sitting in the hallway outside the Oval Office, untouched - https://www.informatnews.com/2025/02/watch-zelensky-kicked-out-of-white.html

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