I haven't seen a Ukranian flag on my street, or online, for some time now. Current thing fades, but the money gets so clean in those Ukranian washers.

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If Americans ever saw what a real leader looks like, they just might hang Biden, Harris, the entire Supreme Court, and both chambers of Congress. Putin may not be perfect, but compared to the people who run America, he's King Arthur.

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Rudeau and Miserlenski, together with the whole Canadian parliament, having a standing ovation for a former SS member. You can't tell me they didn't know beforehand, they have a whole government to check backgrounds of people they invite. This in my opinion shows exactly who they are. It's blatantly out in the open.

Putin is not the baddie, and they will do anything for the sheeple not to find out that our side is.

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recent article by Max Blumenthal/Consortium News on Canada's murky Ukrainian connections - https://consortiumnews.com/2023/09/27/honored-nazi-exposes-canadas-longstanding-ukraine-policy/

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So they want to strike the applause for the old Nazie from the record, these folks need to cancel themselves....

Thanks for link, Max is the man!

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