Honestly, it's the skypainting that scares me the most. We can run and hide from a jab, but we can't hide from our atmosphere.

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Funny that so few see it.

Many deny it. Totally.

I can sometimes get a photo, but the fact seems to be that no one bothers to look at the sky, sadly.

Thank you, and yes I agree

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I see the initial "brushstrokes" early in the morning when I let my dogs out. Clearly, the planes/drones are out at night, stealthily and without sound - when it's fresh, it looks like a couple of gridlines, with sharp contours. Then it starts to disperse over the course of the day. Horrible.

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All it would take is a few well aimed missles at those chemtrail planes and the resultant GIANT explosions (much chemicals on board) and they might have trouble finding pilots, as pilots are steadily dropping anyway, along with all the others of us. Not a preferred solution, but war is war.

Here are some images of whats inside those damn planes. It's really quite disgusting, I thank my military industrial complex. https://in5d.com/exposed-photos-from-inside-chemtrail-planes-like-youve-never-seen-before/

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Do you think they still are using live pilots?

I had guessed the skypainters are mostly drones now...

They seem to be flying much higher than they used to, also a guess.

I was thinking before I saw your comment that there may be some weird freak weather event that might bring change, like so many trees fell over just after all these rains, or the leaves not growing green on those still standing

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