Sympathy for the Devil. Monicka $Lewin$kie$ again? again?
KGRaS poll #9? do you trust the government?
Greetings my dear readers and listenors, i reposted A Skeptic, above, in case you need something to get you rolling on the floor, i found the skit in the first video did the trick… not sure did i ever see the unaltered original, but this was brilliant.
OH, and a poll, why not, say, do i really care if Trump had a few things with Monicka or Stormy stella , stephanie, why would it concern me? i’m most impressed by Trump, who i never cared for, as basically a run of the mill businessman, as he declared himself to be. The first order of business for a man , is, well, use your imagination… and if she costs you a few bucks, what else are you gonna spend your money on?
The author neither endorses nor opposes any views expressed or implied herein, and only presents a potential narrative perspective that should not be confused with his personal beliefs, he wishes to state for the record.
So, i don’t want to promote or demote the issue, i just tend to agree with Garland Nixon on this one, and probably Richard too!, that this Trump stuff is like, well, a distraction, to put it mildly, while our current occupant talked of taking showers with his daughter, Garland says, i’m just glad i didn’t hear that mess.
i’ve been listening to anyone who talks any sense at all, like, Garland Nixon, Alex Christoforou, Alexander Mercouris, Brian Berletic, and these folks from the Military Summary channel, and then trying struggling to learn Russian. I think Russian is gonna be an useful language, after America finishes losing the war she started, and as Putin says,
We’re all equal in the eyes of God.
so i hope we as a nation can rise above the Russiaphobia and racism that colours our perceptions.
i read this article, which I repost, and wanted to throw out a thought…question, etc.,
above is the article link, and Colleen Huber implicates “vaccination,” as she calls it, as an article of religious faith, indeed the whole cultural implication of those jabbed as a religion and the sort of blind faith, dare i say, that goes with it. but what i found particularly of note, and i don’t believe anyone has yet glommed upon, so i shall hereby suggest, that perhaps the literal reading of the 14th amendment is in order, i mean, usually the first one is as far as i get, if i get that…
Then, nearly a century after the Constitution was written, the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. Its Equal Protections Clause established equality of rights among people.
“. . . No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. . . .”
Therefore, just because the pro-vaccine community is obscenely-funded, shrill, insistent, constantly propagandizing and menacing, does not mean that their religion is any more valid than yours, even if you don’t have a religion.
i quote above from the same link.., which cites the 14th. what it says? “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privieges or immunities…” of my ass, as a citizen of the US of Arrogance, i got the right to claim my own damm natural immunity , one of many immunities, not just biological immunities from illnesses i don’t want compromised, but my spiritual immunities and rights to freedom from fear and freedom to believe what i feel is best to put in or leave out and to act accordingly, which was gravely compromised,.
i’d been sitting on this thought for a while, just a plain old textual read, althought they , the sordid “they,” , may just change the definition of immunities or say it don’t apply to me.
So i had to write this piece, to opine on the arrest of Trump, whether or not they bother to. Why they don’t arrest Joe BLow the pipelines grow, Joe Blow the pipelines, NO? Ah, but he is a demoRat, and he can still do plenty of damage in Little Russia the Arrogant West made a slight error in attacking, the former uKraine. i wonder, another thought, what if the folks in uKraine and Russia get together, and decide to work out their problems without American involvement, as they had just about done like a year ago, until BorisVirus23 infected elenskies, who lately looks to be sweating a bit.
Do i feel sorry for Trump? well, No. But can i commiserate with this shit of getting arrested , and harassed, and hung out to dry and being the center of focus for the Trump Derangement Syndrome, yes, i can feel a bit of sympathy for the devil, dare i say.
Trump is a distraction, as is apparently the terrorist attack in St Petersburg, anything to shine the spotlight away from the fall of Bakmhut, we’ll have to start calling it Artymovsk again, they changed out the flag on the civic building in the blown out town, i am told. So instead of the fall of Bakmhut, we can have Trump getting arrested, and maybe Putin getting arrested in the imagination of the scriptwriters. Doctors and propogandists both write scripts.
I want you to know i am deeply saddened by this war. Of course every war is a tragedy, so it is really an accident, that sometime after 2014, one day i looked in the mirror and saw a Russian man— where did he come from? i don’t have the words to speak to him, hardly.
great thinking points. as with so many things 'they' keep shifting the goal posts and the 14th amendm seems to get buried in the ludicrous excuse that it's less valid during an emergency situation :-((
Gonzalo Lira (in Ukraine) offers valuable insights to what's "really" going on, his latest episode: The US HATES the peace breaking out in the Middle East -
Keep up the great work, GK! Thanks for sharing these other Substacks to read.