Sweden to join NATO, NATO ceases to exist
"Our work defending Europe from evil Russia is done here," declares the lone ranger in the jungle
Now that Finland has already joined Nato, Russia is eager to begin wrestling matches naked in the snow as an after school event.
They have to do something to keep up hostilities along the longest Russian border with Nato, else the bear might hibernate.
i heard sweet formerly neutral Sweden is gonna join Nato, although i can’t seem to get that confirmed, i have to try harder, but i keep finding other pearls now
China makes suggestion on Fukushima discharges
UN nuclear watchdog and others who claim Japanese reactor’s wastewater is safe should drink it, a Chinese official has said
File photo: Storage tanks for contaminated water at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, January 20, 2023. © Philip FONG / AFP
Beijing has responded to the UN nuclear watchdog’s controversial support for plans by Japan to dump contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean by arguing that those who believe the water is safe should drink it and swim in it.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin addressed the issue during a press briefing on Tuesday, when he was asked about recent statements by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi touting the safety of Fukushima’s wastewater. He mocked Grossi’s claims that the water was even safe for drinking or swimming.
“If some people think that the nuclear-contaminated water from Fukushima is safe to drink or swim in, we suggest that Japan save the nuclear-contaminated water for these people to drink or swim in instead of releasing it into the sea and causing widespread concerns internationally,” Wang said.
nato has a small problem, that being, it don’t know who to defend anymore, since it saved Ukraine from Russia, fighting till the last shovel.
nato is a defensive organization, but you have to pay to be party, a hefty door fee, 2% of your GDP, 10% off the top for the big guy, and whatever the CIA demands from you in exchange for handling you
Now, i’d always wondered , back when BorisVirus23 hit , breaking up the peace and beating down the multitudes, i wondered to myself,…
Gee, self, i wonder what does elenskies have on the Arrogant Collective West that gets them to keep sending blank checks?
Answer: Joe Biden’s pride, ego, and bribery business, muscle and bustle.
or, Ukraine represents Anti-Russia, hence the alternate reality had to be destroyed, to weaken Russia, so then the joey dopefiends could go after China. Why China? Because America has become a certified insane asylum, the lunatic is on the grass, and in the cocaine, in the white house, where they narrate that it was found in the visitor’s section, not the executive suite. Joe Biden doesn’t do cocaine, i am assured, since he’s too calm and collected. I disagree, he looks lit like a christmas tree, AC running through them dim light bulbs and occasionally shorting out…
same stuff linked thru substack…
i wasn’t too surprised by what we learn from Scott Ritter’s work, for which Russia thanks him greatly. We learn, big surprise , that we can surmise the MI6 is handling the elenskies, and threatens his family, and has his hot dog in their bun.
and a whole lot of other fun ketchup mustard and relish. Now i admire the piece from Scott, so i don’t want to be too critical when i say i can’t stand the soundtrack and tis a tad too loud too, but well worth the trouble to listen through to get the information provided.
Why does everything have to be so “exciting” all the time, to where you can hardly stand to hear it? Groan.
what are your thoughts?
So America needs Ukraine to dilute Russia so America can then go after China. Which part of this insanity is more insane?
Denis Kucinnich has a piece in his substack about the need to end Nato. to save us from world war 3. I agree with this sentiment, but i didn’t like his piece, he got down on Russia, and frankly i am tired of hearing that shit, so due to the one slanted sideways statement wherein he badmouthed my birthplace, i didn’t think the piece strong enough to repost.
I mean, if it were true, perhaps, but to say anything like Russia started this shit is to be willfully blind and buying the dope sight unseen.
Is it traitorous for me to say i support Russian efforts to be free of the American Nato monster machine? well, what is America doing in Russia anyway? i mean, how can we justify the forthcoming dead bodies returned to sender ? They are running out of room in the cemeteries of former Ukraine, they are gonna resort to the blender and the tree splitting machine.
America is struggling to keep the meat coming thru the grinder, and projecting the victory over the minds of the sheep grazing on the steep hillside next to the highway.
I saw some baby turkeyes today, saying, Let Sweden into Nato, tis okay.
Actually , i heard that from Alex Christoforous, maybe he got the inside dope and smoked it
Honestly, i am worried, how is America gonna handle being deprived of the dollar hegemonic dominance on August 22nd at the BRICS summit leaders shindang? will the current administration quietly resign when the pants holding up the country split at the seams? i doubt that.
Word seems to be to keep the war going until the election, but meanwhile Russia seems to be going on an offensive, to reclaim the rest of former Ukraine, what will be left for the shareholders from Blackcrock and vanfart and their ilk who think they own at least the Galecia portion as their ill-gotten prize?
elenskies had the promise of all the weapons needed to destroy the last shovel in UKraine, but, as joe states,
we ran out.
no more diapers, no more ice cream cones, no more apple pie. What did you expect for 5 billion dollars? The former state of UKraine from Victoria Nuland?
and the winner of the miss piggy look alike contest is…
the winner gets a trip to the front lines of former UKraine, no expenses paid, no transport provided, no runner up prizes
i am really worried about what is happening, so what else can i do but try to laugh about it?
Turkey threw a hissy fit over the Swedes burning a koran, and was opposed to them joining NATO. Now that is all in the past Sweden will join NATO. They haven't yet though. But they will. Ukraines membership of NATO is dallied off because western Europe is shitting their pants Zelenski will invoke Article 5 of the NATO and cause all-out war.
Best blog yet!!!