My parents and I were talking about this over Christmas. They were telling me that they knew a US Air pilot back in the 80s who confirmed that these ‘sky paintings’ were chemtrails of aluminum particles.

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Off topic. Reading about the fires from the Santa Anna winds. Prayers for the people in danger and the firefighters. (Grasshopper , come to central Florida. )

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For anyone who thought this was not already known


CC available

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The few minutes I just caught said over a hundred and fifty countries are skypainting, I guess the question is where aren't they doing this....

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Happy new year day # 2!

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I am amazed when I think about the things I've had in the past that I now have no idea what happened to them. I don't even remember where they went.

Sorry to hear you are unable to play your music. For me that would be impossible to live with.

I see the, as you call it, sky painting. It is an old reality. Been around for some time. Now I think it's created with electromagnetic waves. Look into HAARP. The Air Force used to brag about this technology and now they try to hide it... See reports on the 2023 earthquake in Turkey. I think weather manipulation is continuous.

I can only hope that, somehow, better days will come. Like a babushka doll... That somehow reveals a more real universe within.

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In 4th grade, I made a small diorama. It was a twig log cabin, complete with windows and a log with an axe embedded in it, next to the door.

To create the snow, I found some styrofoam and proceeded to grate it into jillions of tiny pieces. (not something I would do now of course). It was quite effective, and also quite prone to clinging in an electrostatic fashion on everything. As snow, it worked for the diorama. I have spent the rest of my life learning why every single plastic is basically bad for us, really, it was quite a lesson to learn, understood much later on. best and yes we are still here.

https://youtu.be/4n6XdnVkOCc?si=mHw043K5Q_4sSDVm Lively Up Yourself

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