Lucid, depressing seminar in recent Palestinian history by the excellent Professor Finkelstein.

An excellent job by Mr. Greg Pasta.

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powerful article by Craig Murray (long time friend and ally of Assange): 'The Israeli ambassador to the U.N. on Monday described the Hamas fighters as “animal like.” This of course is not true. They are people, but people who have been crazed by unbearable levels of injustice and oppression....' - https://consortiumnews.com/2023/10/11/craig-murray-condemnation/

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"Say, Gaza"

by Linda Backiel

He is turned, slightly

just a boy, in his own home.

Say, Gaza.

Someone took a photograph

in the ruin of what was

his life. Black and white. Sharp

shadows. Light falls on what is not

exercising its own right of return;

picture a bad dream. His city. A fringe

clinging to the sea. A window open. No,

broken. At first, you don’t see it. You

don’t want to. You say “rubble.” But

there is a bomb in the bed.

The bed is broken by the bomb,

much bigger than the bed.

Don’t worry, no blood. But

there is a boy in the room

with the bomb in the bed.

The bed, a broken V, sunk

across the middle. Sheets rumpled,

not from sleeping.

The boy wonders where

will he sleep? When

will it explode?

His home,

a fringe
clinging to the sea.

Say, Gaza.


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very powerful, tq. there's only one way out: de-esacalation and peace talks.

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I lived briefly with a couple who were Holocaust survivors, as their foster child.

They had permanent scars, emotional and other, but they managed to have their own child, a girl who was smarter than me.

Even indirectly, the shadow of such suffering emanates as a tangible presence of ill. Still.

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the scars reach into 2nd and 3rd generations. it's hideous. yet our instinct for survival and the power of improvisation are strong, like the incredible force of your orchid in the midst of the unfriendly urban environment.

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