I'd be interested in your thinking on this...


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Folks are realizing their votes this November can stop this madness, sic quoteth the conclusion of the article


I heard about sideshows but not shootings, might have been fireworks?

BrOakland ain't for the meek or mild mannered...

I never read zero hedge. I don't have time for those things I wish to view already, elsewhere.

Lately the inside of my eyelids are looking better and better...

If San Francisco has any future at all tis Oakland, but we may not have any future if we keep pissing off Russia....Shit, they always got plenty of dough to launder for Ukraine but none for the folks who'd put them criminals into elected or selected orifice, er. Office

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It’s hard to ‘like’ this post but the truth hurts sometimes! I do love the beautiful flowers you add bringing a little light to the darkness. Thanks GK

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Post peace post.



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Please say a prayer for my mom, Linda. My nefarious brother is after her inheritance.

In a better note, my husband and I saw a bald eagle in Florida today, he came through twice. Majestic!

And I heard a quail but didn’t see him. “ Bob white “ he sang.

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As above, so below my friend. All that has a beginning must have an end. Truth, lies, war, peace, empires and individuals alike.

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