BBC (05/01/2025): ‘Record January warmth puzzles climate scientists’. The warming was said to be due to “emissions of planet-heating gases from humans” -
Fake: recent findings that suggest that massive underwater volcano Hunga Tonga in 2022 suddenly erupted. "...[it] shot so much water into the upper atmosphere that levels in the stratosphere rose suddenly by at least 10%. It was a genuine one in 100, even 200 year event and was reasonably expected to produce temporary weather changes around the globe. Sure enough, subsequent temperatures showed a 0.3-0.4°C upward spike. Needless to say, the Net Zero fanatics claimed the rise as their own and blamed it on humans controlling the climate by increasing the trace gas carbon dioxide was the main culprit in producing the recent spike...." -
... Fake news: Trumph is going to buy or steal or something Greenland and change its name to Orangeland. Finland says NO, hato will will stand with them and not let him do that. Oh wait, this might not be fake as I think I read this somewhere... Except for the name change. I made that up... I think.
I saw that boat, in a field near my house, here in Portland a few years ago. It was derelict, it was beautiful, it was made of fiberglass. I think a guy took it and made it into a backyard play thing for his kids. But obviously he was Russian.
The Democrats calling Trump and Elon Nazis is like Hitler calling Elie Weisel Hitler. Or calling the Biden ISIS/Al-Qaeda Syria coup a much better option than Assad.
Or awarding Soros a Presidential Medal of Freedom for being a Jewish hero. Or awarding Fauci-Mengele with a Nobel Prize in the field of Medicine.
If Lenin was leading Russia and it was still the Soviet Union, the Democrats would be lining up for photo ops.
BBC (05/01/2025): ‘Record January warmth puzzles climate scientists’. The warming was said to be due to “emissions of planet-heating gases from humans” -
Fake: recent findings that suggest that massive underwater volcano Hunga Tonga in 2022 suddenly erupted. "...[it] shot so much water into the upper atmosphere that levels in the stratosphere rose suddenly by at least 10%. It was a genuine one in 100, even 200 year event and was reasonably expected to produce temporary weather changes around the globe. Sure enough, subsequent temperatures showed a 0.3-0.4°C upward spike. Needless to say, the Net Zero fanatics claimed the rise as their own and blamed it on humans controlling the climate by increasing the trace gas carbon dioxide was the main culprit in producing the recent spike...." -
... Fake news: Trumph is going to buy or steal or something Greenland and change its name to Orangeland. Finland says NO, hato will will stand with them and not let him do that. Oh wait, this might not be fake as I think I read this somewhere... Except for the name change. I made that up... I think.
I saw that boat, in a field near my house, here in Portland a few years ago. It was derelict, it was beautiful, it was made of fiberglass. I think a guy took it and made it into a backyard play thing for his kids. But obviously he was Russian.
I'd love to give you some fake news from this neck of the woods. Unfortunately for this instance, I have not turned on a tv set in the last 10 years.
The Democrats calling Trump and Elon Nazis is like Hitler calling Elie Weisel Hitler. Or calling the Biden ISIS/Al-Qaeda Syria coup a much better option than Assad.
Or awarding Soros a Presidential Medal of Freedom for being a Jewish hero. Or awarding Fauci-Mengele with a Nobel Prize in the field of Medicine.
If Lenin was leading Russia and it was still the Soviet Union, the Democrats would be lining up for photo ops.
I love the Grasshopper. Signed, the ghost of Salvador Dali’
But Russia!