being stubborn (and therefore not comply) a.k.a. civil disobedience goes back to Mahatma Gandhi, nothing wrong with that! make your own medical excemption, plagiarise if you must: if they can make up rules, we can make up emergency exit doors.

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Are they reintroducing mask mandates, then?

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They tried, many seem to be refusing...

Were they really mandated? They play games with laws and health, lawfare and war on civilians

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If enough people go along to get along, and managers in shops can essentially ban people if they don't wear face diapers in order to purchase stuff, then I'd say, yes, there are effectively mandates. That happened. That was real. I remember it vividly. It was absolutely insane. Will it happen again? If enough people agree to do it, yes. Without a doubt. Most people are spineless fools.

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Yes, I remember how hard it was to find work that didn't involve masking.

One job I used a bandana at ended up letting me go

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How did we let this happen? Why would we let it happen again?

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civil disobedience

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Civil disobedience never truly happened.

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