I asked Steve Kirsch to conduct this but he instead sent out a poll about Kate someone or other. Oh well .
So here's the poll
Do you believe based upon evidence, that the covid19 Flubah was an US created military bioweapon ?
If yes, choose Choice 1.
If no, choose Choice 2.
I have a couple more questions but I want to see if this feature works correctly, maybe not from my phone?
So if you have A moment please respond
Thank you
i did Not say, "exclusively," an US bioweapon, as it was taken by the No vote, we know this was passed around the world like a joint of angel dust you don't want to smoke...
i mean, as most apparently concur, to highlight, how many of us feel that my country tis of thee was doing something like, well, not just illegal and deplorable, and dangerous, but also, ; wrong.
As wrong as the continuing efforts to create more dangerous versions of same...which are openly documented, like in Boston University, and elsewhere.
So , just to be clear, i understand the so far lone No vote actually read the question as being an exclusive US product, but we only own most of the patents, not all . Some patents are Chinese owned, for the bioweapon or delivery systems. Or co-owned, twixt multiple parties suing each other and having a grand ole hoo-hah. Have to ask David Martin about that, please. I am just guessing now.
And England, via Wellcome trust, may be impicated, as are many others. I love their names for themselves, these Harmaciders, saying they are "welcome" but two ll's , like hell, and trust, like, don't trust me, tis just a legal tender verbiage, like corporation, just a word to denominate there is nothing there to trust at all, and we aren't wellcome to speak about it freely, worst of all, for fear of reprisal, loss of business, and Gaslamping to a pale brilliance.
Good Lord help us please.
Thanks Jacquelyn, now I can move to Oregon and retire, with oregano....