Hatred of Russia has become the new virus scamdemic Harmacide.

How can the Harmaceuticals profit off it?

The worst form of racism is making money for the people who drive it

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My paternal grandparents were Jews from Kiev.

I hope Russia levels the entire country.

The United States and the UE should stay the hell out of the way.

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I agree that the US war can bring the worst of consequences to Ukraine, I hope Russia can stop this from occurring , but does Russia have the choice?

America sucks

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I am praying for peace too GK! Foreign affairs are not my focus of research but the entire Ukraine/Russia ordeal and the US involvement smells like a rat!

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A demoRat named Joey and another named Hunter

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CIA / military complex makes billions off wars.

Russia isn’t going along with WEF dictatorship, hence.

Russia bad.

Installed by Obiden Coup Zelensky , hero.

No. This war is another coup attempt.

Zero to do with helping Ukraine.

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